How to strengthen our routes to success South Gloucestershire Partners’ Conference 7 th March 2014 Janice Suffolk
South Gloucestershire Diverse Communities Unique Community Problems Common Themes
Common Themes : Low ambitions / Aspirations / Lack of Positive role models Mental health and other needs such as poverty Poor qualifications / Lack of social, work and employability skills
Low ambitions / Aspirations / Lack of positive Role models Encouraging participation within the voluntary sector Work Experience Mentoring schemes Easy Access to information Encouraging initiative
Mental health and other needs such as poverty Access to services such as Food banks & Credit Unions Accessibility to activities Inclusive activities and services
Poor qualifications / Lack of social, work and employability skills Job Clubs Community Learning Work experience
Young people not targeted early enough / Poor links Primary aged children – Homework Club Family Literacy Project School Talks and Industry visits
Conclusion Empowering Communities to work together, listen and learn from each other