My Digital Footprint
What Is A digital Footprint? A Digital Footprint is a word that describes the traces or “footprints” that people leave behind on the internet. This “footprint” can be positive or negative depending on your internet activity.
How Your Digital Footprint Can Effect You Negative things you can do on the internet that can jeopardize your career in the future: -Post incriminating photos on the internet or social media -Post negative comments on other peoples pictures or posts -Commit crimes over the internet (Bank fraud, money schemes etc.) What is wrong with these things? Well, if you do any of these things, possible future employers could find out about it and that could be a major factor in deciding whether to hire you or not. Also, things on the internet don’t ever really get fully deleted.
How Your Digital Footprint Can Effect You More negative things you should stay away from: -Post all your personal information on the internet -Post pictures with personal information (house address, city name, school name etc.) -Talk to strangers over chat rooms and be careless about telling them who you are These are all things you shouldn’t do because companies can steal and sell your information or dangerous people can track you down an threaten you.
How Your Digital Footprint Can Effect You One way you can use your Digital Footprint to your advantage, is to do the following: -Post your positive achievements without giving too much information away -Comment positively when you like something someone else posted -Use social media to promote yourself without boasting or over doing it (plays you’ll be in, fundraising you’ll be hosting etc.)
Watching What You Post or Say Here are some ways to make sure you leave a positive Digital Footprint NOT a negative one: -Go over what your about to post to make sure you won’t regret it later -Make sure it’s something you would be okay with your teacher seeing -Ask yourself the questions of “T.H.I.N.K”: T – Is it True H – Is it Helpful I – Is it Inspiring N – Is it Necessary K – Is it Kind
Googling Myself What I found: Conclusion: -Nothing but my Google Plus account -Many people who share my name an their social media accounts Conclusion: I am not very active on the internet but if I am, I’m doing a good job at making sure I don’t have very much personal information out there.
What I learned Through searching about my Digital Footprint and just generally about it, I found out that you should be careful on the internet because even if you delete something you don’t want on the internet, it never is really gone. You can also use the internet to your advantage too, by sharing achievements through social media for possible future employers to consider.
How You Can Help Spread The Knowledge Tell your friends about the importance of you Digital Footprint Advise someone when they are about to do something they might regret and remind them of “T.H.I.N.K” Make sure to set an example for your fellow students so they can follow your good role model skills Make your own slideshow to inform your fellow peers!
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