Covalent Bonding Bond Lengths Bond Energies
Not all chemical bonds have the same strength vary based on atom combination and the amount of shared electrons between atoms **More electrons in a chemical bond, atoms held more tightly**
Bond Length Deals with covalent bonds only Distance between nuclei of 2 atoms in a chemical bond Dependent on atom type and bond order bond # (double, triple, etc.), bond length = Σ covalent radii of 2 atoms
Example 1: Estimate the bond length of the nitrogen-nitrogen bond in N 2 H 4
Example 2: Estimate the bond length for BrCl
Bond Energy Chemical bonds constantly breaking/forming Breaking bond—energy absorption Bond formation—energy release Bond Dissociation Energy (kJ/mol) Amount of energy needed to break ONE mole of covalent bonds existing between 2 atoms
How are bond energy and bond order related to each other? Increase bond order, increase bond dissociation energy Neighboring atoms close to bond can influence dissociation energy SOOOOOOO
Bond Energy (cont.) Average Bond Energy Average dissociation energies for molecules with a specific bond Δ H = Δ H (bonds broken) - Δ H (bonds formed) BUT ! ! ! Δ H ≈ Σ (BE) reactants - Σ (BE) products
Example 1: Calculate the enthalpy of formation for hydrazine (N 2 H 4 ) using bond energies.
Example 2: Using the following equation: C 2 H 6 + Cl 2 C 2 H 5 Cl + HCl Calculate the Δ H rxn.