The Servant James C. Hunter
Old Paradigm vs. New Paradigm US Invincibility Centralized Management Junk products from Japan Management I think If it ain’t broke… Short-term profit Labor Avoid and fear change It is good enough Global Competition Decentralized Management Quality products from Japan Leadership Cause and effect Continuous improvement Long-term profit Associates Change is constant Zero defects
(Captains and Lieutenants) Old Paradigm CEO (General) (Colonels) VICE PRESIDENTS (Captains and Lieutenants) MIDDLE MANAGERS SUPERIORS (Sergeants) (Associates/Troops) EMPLOYEES/ GRUNTS CUSTOMER/Enemy
Associates/Employees New Paradigm CUSTOMER Associates/Employees Supervisors Middle Managers Vice Presidents CEO
Leadership Model Leadership Authority Service and Sacrifice Love Will
Authority/Leadership vs. Agape Love Honest, trustworthy Good role model Caring Committed Good listener Held people accountable Treated people with respect Gave people encouragement Positive, enthusiastic attitude Appreciated people Patience Kindness Humility Respectfulness Selflessness Forgiveness Honesty Commitment
Love and Leadership Showing Self-Control Giving Attention, Appreciation, and Encouragement Being Authentic without Pretense and Arrogance Treating Others as Important People Meeting the Needs of Others Giving Up Resentment when Wronged Being Free from Deception Sticking to your Choices Setting Aside Your Own Wants and Needs; Seeking the Greatest Good for Others - PATIENCE - KINDNESS - HUMILITY - RESPECTFULNESS - SELFLESSNESS - FORGIVENESS - HONESTY - COMMITMENT - RESULTS: SERVICE AND SACRIFICE
Four Stages of Developing New Habits Unconscious and Unskilled Conscious and Unskilled Conscious and Skilled Unconscious and Skilled McGraw-Hill/Irwin ©2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.