Pupil of the month Primary 1 May 2012 For good behaviour and consistently giving of his best. Well done!
Pupil of the month Primary 1/2 May 2012 For working really hard and trying his best in numeracy, even when he finds it really difficult. Good boy, keep up the effort!
Pupil of the month Primary 2 May 2012 For working hard and contributing to class topics throughout Primary 2. Very well done!
Pupil of the month Primary 3 May 2012 For always being helpful to staff, fair and honest in play with his friends and is kind to everyone in his class. He sets a great example to others and works really hard every day. Really well done!
Pupil of the month Primary 4 May 2012 For making a big effort to check over his work, spot mistakes and correct them. Also, for trying really hard at swimming each week. Well done!
Pupil of the month Primary 4/5 May 2012 She always works hard and consistently produces fantastic work in all subjects. She has a friendly personality and is always happy to help others.
Pupil of the month Primary 6 May 2012 Great work and effort from a great boy! Your smile always brightens your teacher’s day. You’re a little star!
Pupil of the month Primary 7 May 2012 For her lovely smiley attitude to school! She is well behaved, helpful and enthusiastic. A great role model to younger children who always tries her absolute best.