The Evolution of Populations Chapter 23 The Evolution of Populations Natural Selection causes Evolution Changes to environment, mutations change phenotype, phenotype changes effect fitness of organisms, human impact the environment Directional Selection- bell shaped curve shifting direction due to an influence (like environment) Mutation caused a red blood cell to become sickle shaped. Hetero for sickle can’t get malaria, homo for sickle cell you have sickle cell. Dark area in Africa they have sickle cell gene, so protected against malaria. Natural selection in humans. Bad to have sickle cell gene when malaria isn’t present Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. Take several doses so bacteria become resistant. 2007-2008
5 Types of Selection Acts to select the individuals that are best adapted for survival and reproduction; resulting in alleles being passed to the next generation in proportions different than frequencies in the present generation Stabilizing Disruptive (Diversifying) Directional Sexual Artificial
Stabilizing selection: operates to eliminate extreme expressions of a trait when the average expression leads to higher fitness. (Birth Weights) Directional selection: An extreme trait makes an organism more fit making one phenotype replace another (Glacier Lilies/pesticides and insects) Disruptive selection: a process that splits a population into two groups resulting in balanced polymorphism (black-bellied seed cracker finches) Ecological Selection: Natural Selection Change takes place in the ecosystem. Directional- Curve moves in one direction. Glacier lilies coming out earlier in the year due to increased temperatures Stabilizing- selection against extremes. Tiny baby, Large babies die off. Disruptive- selection against middle, extremes do way better.
DIRECTIONAL SELECTION STABILIZING SELECTION Effects of Selection Changes in the average trait of a population DIRECTIONAL SELECTION STABILIZING SELECTION DISRUPTIVE SELECTION giraffe neck horse size human birth weight rock pocket mice
Natural selection in action (Directional Selection) Insecticide & drug resistance insecticide didn’t kill all individuals resistant survivors reproduce (selective advantage) resistance is inherited insecticide becomes less & less effective The evolution of resistance to insecticides in hundreds of insect species is a classic example of natural selection in action. The results of application of new insecticide are typically encouraging, killing 99% of the insects. However, the effectiveness of the insecticide becomes less effective in subsequent applications. The few survivors from the early applications of the insecticide are those insects with genes that enable them to resist the chemical attack. Only these resistant individuals reproduce, passing on their resistance to their offspring. In each generation the % of insecticide-resistant individuals increases.
Survival doesn’t matter if you don’t reproduce! Sexual Selection Acting on reproductive success attractiveness to potential mate fertility of gametes successful rearing of offspring Acts in all sexually reproducing species the traits that get you mates sexual dimorphism (intersexual selection: Female picks best looking male) influences both morphology & behavior (intrasexual selection: males Fight, winner is more desirable to female) can act in opposition to natural selection Survival doesn’t matter if you don’t reproduce!
Artificial Selection Humans breeding plants and animals by seeking individuals with desired traits as a breeding stock animals, plants, etc.
Artificial selection This is not just a process of the past… It is all around us today
“descendants” of wild mustard “descendants” of the wolf Artificial selection Artificial breeding can use variations in populations to create vastly different “breeds” & “varieties” “descendants” of wild mustard “descendants” of the wolf
Preserving Variation in a Population Balanced Polymorphism Geographic Variation Sexual Reproduction Outbreeding Diploidy Heterozygote Advantage Frequency-Dependent Selection Evolutionary Neutral Traits
Balanced Polymorphism The presence of two or more phenotypically distinct forms of a trait in a single population of a species. each morph is better adapted in a different area, but both varieties continue to exist
Heterozygote Advantage Heterozygote advantage occurs when heterozygotes have a higher fitness than do both homozygotes; preserving multiple alleles in a population Natural selection will tend to maintain two or more alleles at that locus The sickle-cell allele causes mutations in hemoglobin but also confers malaria resistance
Heterozygote Advantage In tropical Africa, where malaria is common: homozygous dominant (normal) die or reduced reproduction from malaria: HbHb homozygous recessive die or reduced reproduction from sickle cell anemia: HsHs heterozygote carriers are relatively free of both: HbHs survive & reproduce more, more common in population Frequency of sickle cell allele & distribution of malaria
Frequency-Dependent Selection AKA: minority advantage decrease of the more common phenotypes, increase of the less common phenotypes ex: predator-prey relationships allow the less common phenotypes to succeed and reproduce
Geographic Variation Graded variation in the phenotype of an organism (cline): variation in appearances due to differences in environments ex. north-south cline
Sexual Reproduction Variation due to shuffling and recombination of alleles during meiosis and fertilization independent assortment crossing over random fertilization
Outbreeding the mating of organisms within one species that are not closely related; maintaining variation and a strong gene pool This is true example “outbreeding” This is one result you get when you Google Image “outbreeding”
Diploidy Diploidy (2n) maintains genetic variation in the form of hidden recessive alleles, that could be advantageous when conditions change
Evolutionary Neutral Traits traits that seem to have no selective advantage ex.) blood types
Causes of Evolution of a Population Genetic Drift Bottleneck effect, flounder effect Gene Flow Mutations Nonrandom Mating Natural Selection
Genetic Drift Chance events changing frequency of traits in a population not adaptation to environmental conditions not selection founder effect small group splinters off & starts a new colony bottleneck some factor (disaster) reduces population to small number & then population recovers & expands again but from a limited gene pool
albino deer Seneca Army Depot Founder effect When a new population is started by only a small group of individuals just by chance some rare alleles may be at high frequency; others may be missing skew the gene pool of new population human populations that started from small group of colonists example: colonization of New World Small founder group, less genetic diversity than Africans All white people around the world are descended from a small group of ancestors 100,000 years ago (Chinese are white people!) albino deer Seneca Army Depot
Bottleneck effect When large population is drastically reduced by a disaster famine, natural disaster, loss of habitat… loss of variation by chance event alleles lost from gene pool not due to fitness narrows the gene pool
Gene Flow the movement of alleles into or out of a population via migration of fertile individuals or gametes between populations
Mutations changes in genetic material; increasing diversity either at one loci or several
Nonrandom Mating Rarely is mating completely random in a population. Usually individuals mate with individuals in close proximity. This promotes inbreeding and could lead to a change in allelic proportions favoring individuals that are homozygous for particular traits
Forces of evolutionary change Natural selection traits that improve survival or reproduction will accumulate in the population adaptive change
Natural Selection Selection acts on any trait that affects survival or reproduction predation selection physiological selection sexual selection
Measuring Evolution of Populations
5 Agents of evolutionary change Mutation Gene Flow Non-random mating Genetic Drift Selection
Populations & gene pools Concepts a population is a localized group of interbreeding individuals gene pool is collection of alleles in the population remember difference between alleles & genes! allele frequency is how common is that allele in the population how many A vs. a in whole population
Evolution of populations Evolution = change in allele frequencies in a population Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium states that allele and genotype frequencies in a population will remain constant from generation to generation in the absence of evolutionary influences. hypothetical: what conditions would cause allele frequencies to not change? non-evolving population REMOVE all agents of evolutionary change very large population size (no genetic drift) no migration (no gene flow in or out) no mutation (no genetic change) random mating (no sexual selection) no natural selection (everyone is equally fit) states that allele and genotype frequencies in a population will remain constant from generation to generation in the absence of other evolutionary influence 10 people, half have red hair (homo reces) 14 red alleles, 6 dominant alleles Red is Recessive(q= allele frequency of recessive trait) q=14/20=.7 Blue is Dominant (p= allele frequency of dominant trait) p=6/20=.3 p+q=1 In this gene pool 30% of genes are dom and 70% are reces. What are the odds that if I pull one out it will be recessive? 7/10 what about 2? 7/10*7/10=.49 (reces) What are the odds of pulling out a blue? 3/10 what about 2? 3/10*3/10=0.09 (dom) What are the odds of me pulling out a blue and a red? 7/10*3/10=21/100 (red, blue) 3/10*7/10=21/100 (blue, red) 21/100+21/100= Homo dom, hetero, homo recess (if they talk about any of these they want these) P2+2pq+q2=1 .3^2 + 2*.3*.2 + .7^2=1 If they ask for allele frequency they want just p or q’s value EXAMPLE 16% unable to taste chemical PTC Non-tasters are recessive Q^2= .16 Q=.4 P=1-.4=.6 1) % of individuals in pop are tasters? 16% are nontasters, so 84% are tasters 2) Frequency of dominant and recessive allele Q=.4 (rec), P=.6 (dom) 3) % of pop are heterozygous 2PQ= 2(.6)(.4)=.48= 48% 20% allele frequency for recessive gene Q=.20 (rec) P=.80 (dom) 1) % have 2 copies of gene and immune? Q^2=.2^2=.04 2) % are less susceptible b/c hetero? 2pq=2*.8*.2=.32=32%
If all five conditions are met then a population is considered to be in equilibrium and NO EVOLUTION is occurring no genetic drift no gene flow no nonrandom mating no mutations no natural selection
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Hypothetical, non-evolving population preserves allele frequencies Serves as a model (null hypothesis: no relationship between two results) natural populations rarely in H-W equilibrium useful model to measure if forces are acting on a population measuring evolutionary change G.H. Hardy (the English mathematician) and W. Weinberg (the German physician) independently worked out the mathematical basis of population genetics in 1908. Their formula predicts the expected genotype frequencies using the allele frequencies in a diploid Mendelian population. They were concerned with questions like "what happens to the frequencies of alleles in a population over time?" and "would you expect to see alleles disappear or become more frequent over time?" G.H. Hardy mathematician W. Weinberg physician
The Hardy-Weinberg Equation enables us to calculate frequencies of alleles in a population p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 or p + q = 1 p= dominant allele q= recessive allele A a AA Aa aa A a
Hardy-Weinberg theorem Counting Alleles assume 2 alleles = B, b frequency of dominant allele (B) = p frequency of recessive allele (b) = q frequencies must add to 1 (100%), so: p + q = 1 BB Bb bb
Hardy-Weinberg theorem Counting Individuals frequency of homozygous dominant: p x p = p2 frequency of homozygous recessive: q x q = q2 frequency of heterozygotes: (p x q) + (q x p) = 2pq frequencies of all individuals must add to 1 (100%), so: p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 BB Bb bb
H-W formulas Alleles: p + q = 1 Individuals: p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 B b BB
Using Hardy-Weinberg equation population: 100 cats 84 black, 16 white How many of each genotype? q2 (bb): 16/100 = .16 q (b): √.16 = 0.4 p (B): 1 - 0.4 = 0.6 p2=.36 2pq=.48 q2=.16 84 black (dom) 16 white (rec) Q^2=16/100 Q=.4 1-.4=.6 (P) P^2= (.6)^2= .36 2PQ= 2(.6)(.4)=.48 Q^2= .16 BB Bb bb What are the genotype frequencies? Must assume population is in H-W equilibrium!
Using Hardy-Weinberg equation p2=.36 2pq=.48 q2=.16 Assuming H-W equilibrium BB Bb bb Null hypothesis p2=.20 p2=.74 2pq=.10 2pq=.64 q2=.16 q2=.16 Sampled data 1: Hybrids are in some way weaker. Immigration in from an external population that is predomiantly homozygous B Non-random mating... white cats tend to mate with white cats and black cats tend to mate with black cats. Sampled data 2: Heterozygote advantage. What’s preventing this population from being in equilibrium. bb Bb BB Sampled data How do you explain the data? How do you explain the data?
Insert Practice Problems Any Questions?? Insert Practice Problems 2005-2006
1. Given a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with allele frequencies A =0.9 and a = 0.1, determine the frequencies of the three genotypes AA, Aa and aa.
3. Allele W for white wool is dominant over allele w for black wool 3. Allele W for white wool is dominant over allele w for black wool. In a sample of 900 sheep, 891 are white and 9 are black. Estimate the allelic frequencies in this sample.
6. 1 in 1,700 US Caucasian newborns have cystic fibrosis 6. 1 in 1,700 US Caucasian newborns have cystic fibrosis. C for normal is dominant over c for cystic fibrosis. a) What percentage of the above population has cystic fibrosis (cc)? b) Calculate the frequencies of the C and c alleles. c) Calculate the frequencies of the normal (CC) and carrier (Cc) genotypes. d) How many of the 1,700 population members are normal (CC)? Carriers (Cc)? e) It has been found that a carrier is better able to survive diseases with severe diarrhea. What would happen to the frequency of the “c” if there was an epidemic of cholera or other type of diarrhea producing disease? Would “c” increase or decrease?
9. In a tropical forest there is a species of bird that has a variable tail length. Long is incompletely dominant over short. In one population of 2000 birds, 614 have long tails, 973 have medium length tails, and 413 birds have short tails. a) What is the frequency of each allele in the population? b) Is the population in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium? certainty
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation Species: members in a population who have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring Reproductive isolation: one group of genes becomes isolated from one another to begin a separate evolutionary history Speciation: anything that fragments a population and isolates a small group of individuals Allopatric Sympatric
Allopatric Speciation: caused by geographic isolation
Sympatric Speciation: caused by anything besides geographic isolation polyploidy: a cell has two or more complete sets of chromosomes habitat isolation: two organisms live in the same area but rarely encounter one another behavioral isolation: two species do not mate because of differences in courtship behavior temporal isolation: populations may mate or flower at different seasons or different times of day reproductive isolation: closely related species unable to mate because of a variety of reasons prezygotic barriers postzygotic barriers reproductive isolation
Patterns of Evolution Divergent Convergent Parallel Coevolution Adaptive Radiation Gradualism Punctuated
Divergent Evolution Occurs when a population becomes isolated from the rest of the species, exposed to new selective pressures, and evolves into a new species allopatric speciation sympatric speciation Divergent evolution occurs when two species are separated by some degree (be it by distance/natural obstacles creating diffusion or by other factors) and one group of said species develops different attributes that gradually cause future generations to become differentiated enough to be considered an independent species. Despite this, the different characteristics of the species (homologous structures) are still recognizable enough to be seen as being related, even if their structure and function have changed somewhat
Convergent evolution Flight evolved in 3 separate animal groups evolved similar “solution” to similar “problems” analogous structures
& sleek bodies are analogous structures! Convergent evolution Fish: aquatic vertebrates Dolphins: aquatic mammals similar adaptations to life in the sea not closely related Those fins & tails & sleek bodies are analogous structures!
Parallel Evolution Convergent evolution in common niches marsupial filling similar ecological roles in similar environments, so similar adaptations were selected but are not closely related marsupial mammals placental mammals
Parallel types across continents Niche Placental Mammals Australian Marsupials Burrower Mole Anteater Mouse Lemur Flying squirrel Ocelot Wolf Tasmanian “wolf” Tasmanian cat Sugar glider Spotted cuscus Numbat Marsupial mole Marsupial mouse Nocturnal insectivore Climber Glider Stalking predator Chasing
Coevolution Two or more species reciprocally affect each other’s evolution predator-prey disease & host competitive species mutualism pollinators & flowers
Adaptive Radiation the emergence of numerous species from a common ancestor introduced into an environment, filling a niche