By. Megan, McKenzie, Rob and Antoren
Terrorism is the use of violence and threats to intimidate or harm. Both Palestinians and Israelis conduct terrorism, the most against each other. Most Palestinian attacks are suicide car bombs, and the Israelis may kill or question anyone they want to because they can’t tell if you have bombs or weapons. THESE ACTIONS ARE HARMING AND KILLING INNOCENT CIVILIANS
Two of the major terrorist groups working against Israel Is the Hamas, and The Fatah Fatah –have recognized Israeli’s right to exist (PLO) Mohamed. The Hamas is most popular for its suicide bombings, or bus bombers, they also attack by using short ranged rockets. They are an ISLAMIC RESISTANCE MOVEMENT.
Terrorism is still a big problem in Israel/Palestine I think that they should split land up and then share the holy land, I don’t think a peace treaty would work because the peace treaty of 1979 which involved Israel giving up Egypt as a peace agreement it took the pressure off a little bit but there is still lots of violence going on. The goals of the terrorist are to either keep the pales tines out or the Palestinians trying to keep their very little land by killing Israelis. I think Israel just wants to have their land, more than cooperating to share it.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the three main religions in the Middle East. All three religions are monotheistic and they all believe in peace. Radicalism and fundamentalism are some obstacles in making the peace treaty.
The Islam's claim a certain part of Israel because they believe Muhammad ascended to Heaven. The Christians believe Jerusalem is the Holy Land because Jesus lived and died there. The Jewish people claim their piece of land because the Temple Mount and Solomon's Temple is built there.
History of Palestine In 1967 the 6 day war was fought between Arab and Israeli. On June 5 th the Israelis had left and attacked the Egyptians the Jordan’s and Syria. 6 days later the Israelis had won the war. After the victory of the war Israel had now controlled Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula. Later that year the Guerrillas within the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) had attacked Israel's targets which the objective was called (Redeeming Palestine).
How Palestine feels about israel? The Palestinians are enemies with the Israelis they have conflicts, on going conflicts with each other and not many solutions to solve them. Here is a timeline of their conflicts. Independence/ Nakba War. 1956-Suez War 1967-Six Day War. War of Attrition 1970-Black September 1973-Yom Kippur War 1982-Lebanon War Intifada Al Aqsa Intifada 2006 Israel-Lebanon War
Do Palestinians present a practical argument for political independence? No, because Israel still has the rights to exist. What legal right to Palestinians have in Israel today? They have the right to return to Israel and re-enter their country. What Palestinian obstacles are standing in the way of a peace settlement? Some of the obstacles standing in the way of peace settlement are suicide bombers, Economic and military pressure, Global Exchange, and Palestinian Leadership
The main problem is that instead of peace they use violence and terrorism to solve their problems or try to get a message out. It might take a few years but we think they first need to come to an agreement, they should also create an organization on both sides to talk to the people and understand what is bothering them and make them understand eachother
After some years When they come to an understanding we think that they should be able to live together in the country without specific places for just certain people or practices! But if that doesn’t seem to work the land should be separated evenly for the different people, and then the holy land should be shared. If possible walls should be put up too just in case anyone wants to resist!