Preliminary TNA results
QUESTIONNAIRE Presumptions of the project : - Shortages and mismatch of skills required by businesses -Lack of adequate training programmes to meet skill requirements of businesses -Institutional constraints between the education and enterprise sector The main goal in the preliminary TNA was to: - test the clarity and understandability of the questionnaire - see the response of businesses - check the relevance of received information Drafting the questionnaire
QUESTIONNAIRE Four sections: A – Company identification information B – Employees C – Skills and experience D – Training programmes Structure of the questionnaire
EMPLOYEES Small < 50 employees 33% Medium < 250 employees 33% Large > 250 employees 33% Surveyed companies
EMPLOYEES Importance of qualifications and experience - Managerial - Accounting/financial - Technical - Marketing Both qualifications and experience - Semi-skilled - Unskilled Experience Work category Importance
EMPLOYEES All of the companies employ university graduates Satisfied – 83% Completely satsified – 17% Performance of university graduates
SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE Shortage of skills Do not have problems finding suitably qualified and people with relevant experience – 67% Do have problems finding suitably qualified and people with relevant experience – 33% 67%33% Shortages of : - Soft skills - Specialist skills - Technical skills -Managerial and Administration skills
SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE 17% 32% 17% National Employment Agency, internet, newspapers, recommendations National Employment Agency, educational institutions, recomendations National Employment Agency, educational institutions, internet recomendations Only recommendations Only National Employment Agency Channels for finding people
TRAINING PROGRAMMES 83% - does have training programmes 17% - doesn’t have training programmes 17%83% 40%60% 60% - both in-house and external 40% - in-house Training programmes in companies
TRAINING PROGRAMMES -Training is budgeted in annual business plans of companies that provide them. -Reasons for not having training programmes is lack of finances, but they are ready to invest in training sometimes in the future. - Non of the business have problems finding training to meet their business needs. Training programmes in companies
CONCLUSIONS - Lack of interest from businesses -The questionnaire was generally understandable, improvements to sections B2 and C3 - Satisfaction with the performance of university graduates -Most companies provide training for their employees, we should inquire into the nature of trainings - Is labour a cost to be reduced or an asset to invest in? - A different approach for the broader survey Conclusions and recommendations
Thank you for the attention! Szarvas June 20, 2009