Reports & Presentations Go to page 111 of the text.
Generic Report: Title Page Title Name of client Name of research group Date
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Abstract of paper include: Everything!
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction
Introduction a.Description of client b.Marketing problem c.Secondary data (complete with citations) d.Rationale for study
Introduction a.Description of client Who is the client? What is their history? What is the current business environment?
Introduction a.Description of client b.Marketing problem Why is the client seeking research? What problem will information solve? How will information be used? What happens if information is negative?
Introduction a.Description of client b.Marketing problem c.Secondary data (complete with citations) Looks like a short term paper! All outside data related to the study.
Introduction a.Description of client b.Marketing problem c.Secondary data (complete with citations) d.Rationale for study This section outlines what project is expected to find. What are the implications if it is found or NOT found. Section should be short; and it is difficult to produce.
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Methodology In detail: How was the study conducted?
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Methodology Basic Rule: “Could you hand this to an educated stranger and could they do your project for you?”
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Methodology Results Just the results … do not explain them
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Methodology Results Limitations List here anything that may add caution to your results.
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Methodology Results Limitations Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions and Recommendations Explain what you found. Explain what it means? Make recommendations.
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Methodology Results Conclusions and Recommendations References
Generic Report: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Methodology Results Conclusions and Recommendations References Appendix
Contains material that may be informative to an interested reader. Should contain: Copy of questionnaire Detailed calculations Tables not found in body of paper
Presentations: 1.Keep it simple
Presentations: 1.Keep it simple 2.Use lots of visuals
Presentations: 1.Keep it simple 2.Use lots of visuals 3.Build complexity
Presentations: 1.Keep it simple 2.Use lots of visuals 3.Build complexity 4. Have some enthusiasm
Presentations: 1.Keep it simple 2.Use lots of visuals 3.Build complexity 4. Have some enthusiasm 5. Don’t spend time on the obvious Don’t explain everything on a slide
Presentations: 1.Keep it simple 2.Use lots of visuals 3.Build complexity 4. Have some enthusiasm 5. Don’t spend time on the obvious 6. Build a case
Presentations: 7. Look and act professional