Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho – Tótha v Martine Učíme sa nielen z učebníc, učíme sa pre život. Kód projektu ITMS: Šport - prezentácia č Mgr. Denisa Hrušková Anglický jazyk
gjognig igiilcmb ygurb lflotoab nruignn istnen wiblogn lyelvbloal Find the sports and games which were jumbled Vocabulary
Division of Sports and Games indoor winter collective professional amateur outdoor summer individual There are also other groups of sports. Can you think of some more? extreme sports water sports Match the categories of sports according the common characteristic
014/cudzie_jazyky_testy_kluce_zadania/AJB1_RT _2014_www.mp3 (Part II) Wild Swimming Listening You are going to listen to Diane about her favourite sport. Your task is to answer the following questions. How did Diane start with swimming? Why does she like the sport?
Why are extreme sports so popular? Where can you practise them? Which do you consider dangerous? Why? Extreme sports
Which sports are popular in Slovakia as a free time activity? In which sports are Slovaks good at? Can you name some worldwide known Slovak sportsmen? Which sports are they good at? Slovakia and sports
QUESTIONMy friend The thing I like most about the Olympics. The thing I like most about _________. The thing I like least about _________. Interview Complete the table with personal questions. There is one example for you. Ask your classmate to answer your questions and write down his\her replies.
SOURCES Vizuálny materiál :ázky