Increasing Safety – Decreasing delays Marketing/Education Campaign
◦ Building two multi-lane roundabouts about one block apart ◦ On a highway with over 20,000 ADT ◦ In a busy retail area ◦ Only a few other single-lane roundabouts recently built in the area ◦ Need to coordinate with city and county partners ◦ Seniors and truckers were against and/or planning to avoid the popular - but high crash – intersections ◦ Retailers very concerned about loss of business
Partner with all parties involved ◦ City ◦ County ◦ Law enforcement (at every level) ◦ Chamber ◦ Businesses ◦ Media ◦ TZD Get inks to websites Videos to cable access TV Articles for newsletters Discussions with TZD Info to drivers ed – young and old ◦ Brochures ◦ Website ◦ Videos
A floor mat and table top display let people learn hands-on. These were supplemented with videos running on local access TV, at the mall and in the DVS lobby. Table top display
A local mall kiosk was a great investment to reach the larger Mankato region and provided educational as well as current construction and detour information. The kiosk was kicked off on a Saturday with a staffed interactive exhibit where over 300 visitors could complain and ask questions. Traffic Engineers staffed a booth at the annual Sr. Expo reaching over 500 concerned drivers. A booth at other local festivals/fairs geared for families reached people who would never have time to attend a meeting.
Free guided bus tours of other local roundabouts targeted seniors and were so successful a second bus was needed. The city was pleased to partner on this event as it promoted its transit service at the same time. Safety was a key message for the campaign and roundabouts were tied to Toward Zero Deaths effort at Safety Fairs
3 full-page color ads in daily paper ◦ 1 st one – emphasis on construction dates and detours ◦ 2 nd one – promote roundabout fair, construction/detour update ◦ 3 rd one – focus on roundabout driving tips with diagrams 2 radio blitzes 1 st one - for bus tour 2 nd one – for roundabout fair
Consulting firm provided full-time staff (intern) to deal with: ◦ Hotline ◦ Website, Facebook, tweets ◦ Weekly business lunches ◦ Event details ◦ Staff booths at local events (safety fair, county fair, festivals) ◦ Speaking requests ◦ Stock Kiosks
The grand finale was a Roundabout Fair with rides, games and food. It required the efforts of many staff and partners – but that may have been part of the huge success, because everyone wanted to come and invited others to attend. Over 500 attended and most rode or drove cart through an exact replica of one of the roundabouts constructed. The popular bus tour was added to the event and the media had fun with live coverage.
Affected businesses were invited to remove barricades with the local officials – makes great photo op for media