Character - Scholarship - Leadership - Service Thursday January 19 th, 2012
#jabs Boy’s hockey team is collecting money at home games. We think it’s amazing to see people coming together.
But, think about what it would be like to go to school if everyone cared that much about everyone. We want to get everyone motivated about other issues here at Champlin Park.
Champlin Park Shelf Toiletries drive is going throughout the year. -Drop off items such as shampoo and toothpaste, box located near Denny’s office in the math resource center. Tie blankets -2 outside hours. Both the toiletries and blankets will go to homeless students here at Champlin Park.
January 16 th - February 12 th Collecting used pairs of jeans in all house offices, the main office, activities office, and resource areas. Jeans will go towards homeless teenagers in the area. The school that collects the most will win $5,000 for their school, and everyone student will receive a new pair of Aeropostale jeans.
And as members of NHS, we encourage you to be a positive influence to the underclassmen. We challenge you to really focus on your character this month. -see what changes you can make to be that better person for 2012.
Service Projects
S.A.I.L. Tutoring Help students complete homework assignments, including daily work and special projects. Will be working with students either one-on- one, or in small groups. Is a time commitment and you must sign up on your own. Outside Hours See flyers up at front if you’re interested.
Oxbow Reading Night 3 former Oxbow students February 9 th, 7-8:15 PM Give a message of excitement for reading to some of the elementary students. Outside Hours
Hours due Thursday, March 8 th END OF TRI 2
Next meeting: February 16 th