UD Update University of Indiana October 16, 2003
Topics WebCT growth Course Redesign Projects New refreshed PRESENT web site Code of the Web GIS award Winter Faculty Institute Consolidated grants program E-portfolios
Student usage
Number of courses
Support Strategies Moving from creation to support Creating an online introduction Hiring graduate assistants Streamlining our course creation process
VISTA version Database version (currently flat files) 6 figures New SIS system Will it solve any of our support problems?
Issues Supporting uses of WebCT not related to courses Occupational Health and Safety Training Training Ice Skating Judges K-12 students in Engineering and Marine Studies Enticing faculty to optimize their usage
Course Resign Projects Virtual MicroscopeMicroscope Students were failing the practical lab experiment Teaches microscopy; not a virtual lab Available from MERLOT Other efforts to more closely align lab and lectures
Psychology—Learning & Motivation Revitalizing the “Keller method,” self mastery of textbook material Hypothesis: computer technology can overcome problems that led to its decline Course Changes On demand (on line tests) Replace lecture with small groups Technology Development of tests Secure testing center
Secure testing center
Proctor tools
WebCT access and resource
Problem Based Learning
Responsible Computing Goal--student attention Virus protection Updates Copyright Netiquette
US Geological Survey US Geological Survey Award—mapping to aid informed decision making Public access to web- based mapping tool Multiple partners Most current DE data Users to participate in updating DE’s geographic data USGS:The National Map Pilot Project The Delaware Data Mapping and Integration Laboratory (DataMIL)
Open Source Initiatives U-portal development E-portfolio development
Resources PRESENT, UD’s Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center WebCT Access and Information Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education Datamil project at The University of Delaware