Barriers Sources: various surveys and constituent feedback Coastal data Data integration and accessibility Improved intergovernmental coordination.


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Presentation transcript:

Barriers Sources: various surveys and constituent feedback Coastal data Data integration and accessibility Improved intergovernmental coordination Techie and non-techie tools Training Outreach and awareness

Digital Coast Approach: Bring the geospatial and coastal management communities together Outcome: A constituent-driven, integrated, enabling platform supporting coastal resource management that is used

By the Numbers Data Over 15 terabytes of high-resolution elevation data, land cover data, and orthoimagery Linkages to over 30 national-level coastal data sets Tools An inventory of over 40 tools – many provide visualization and analysis capabilities without need for GIS software Training 12 training courses, including several web-based options, and a webinar archive Digital Coast in Action Over 50 narratives that demonstrate the application of geospatial information to coastal issues

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer Coastal County Flood Exposure Snapshot Adapting to Coastal Risk Training Inundation Mapping Training Visualization Software Land Cover Change Analysis Storm Mapping Tutorial Historical Hurricane Storm Tracks Hazard Assessment Template Hazard Education and Awareness Tool (HEAT) Tools

S EA L EVEL R ISE V IEWER Visualizing Sea Level Rise and Inundation

Flood Frequency Visualizing Sea Level Rise and Inundation

Social and Economic Vulnerability Visualizing Sea Level Rise and Inundation

County Snapshots

Visualization Software for Planning

Land Cover Changes:

Integrated Social Science Data and Tools

Stories from the Field

The Digital Coast In Action: Planning for Resilient Communities Miami-Dade, FL Honolulu, HI Long Island, NY

The Partnerships and Contributors

Mississippi State Coordinating Council for Remote Sensing and GIS NOAA U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Geological Survey Federal Emergency Management Agency U.S. Department of Agriculture Environmental Protection Agency Northwest Florida Water Management District Southwest Florida Water Management District St Johns River Water Management District Fugro EarthData Resources for the Future Dewberry Maryland Department of Natural Resources Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Management Association for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Texas Natural Resources Information System Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Scripps Institution of Oceanography Woolpert University of Texas University of Hawaii Sanborn Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control South Carolina Department of Natural Resources CNMI Coastal Resource Management Office Florida Division of Emergency Management PhotoScience Mauna Kea Soil and Water Conservation District Digital Coast Contributors

American Planning Association Association of State Floodplain Managers Coastal States Organization National Association of Counties National States Geographic Information Council The Nature Conservancy Digital Coast Partnership Group

Benefits of Partnership Understand broad requirements Reach national audiences Focus efforts on common needs Leverage resources Build content Ensure use of products and services Generate external advocacy

Rate your degree of satisfaction with the quality of the Digital Coast website. N = 181

Feedback  "Thanks for making our jobs easier!" OH Dept of Natural Resources  "Digital Coast takes really important data and makes it actionable. Tools provided through the Digital Coast fill a lot of gaps for the have-nots in public safety." National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation  "The Digital Coast Partnership is an excellent example of effectively governing a federal initiative with a large stakeholder community." National States Geographic Information Council  “Every time I go on that site I find something new that I love. My goal is to spend more time promoting NOAA tools in our communities and less time making our own tools.” FL Dept of Community Affairs

Ways to Join the Fun Content, content, content Share requirements Capture stories National organization engagement

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