Training UNIT B HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 3.03 Understand the importance of orienting and training employees.


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Presentation transcript:

training UNIT B HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 3.03 Understand the importance of orienting and training employees.

training 2 The importance of orienting and training employees Customers expect employees to have complete knowledge of the business and its products. Well-trained employees are generally more productive for the business.

training 3 The importance of orienting and training employees (cont.) Orientation –Orientation: The process of becoming familiar with the work environment and circumstances. –Helps new employees feel welcome and familiar with the surroundings Training –Training: The process of directing employees to become proficient at a job through instruction and practice. –Provides employees with information necessary for job success

training 4 The importance of orienting and training employees (cont.) Companies invest a great deal in training and orientation programs with expectations of profitable returns.

training 5 Topics to be covered during new employee orientation Tour of facility and introduction to co- workers Overview of company history, mission, and values Description of what the company does

training 6 Topics to be covered during new employee orientation (cont.) Information on payroll –Pay schedules, deductions, and documentation requirements Information about benefits –Workman’s compensation –Health/medical –Retirement plans –Holiday/vacation pay –Sick/personal leave

training 7 Topics to be covered during new employee orientation (cont.) Information on company policies –Safety –Human relations –Leave/vacations –Employee purchases/discounts

training 8 Methods of training Classroom instruction Laboratory training On-the-job training Conferences or seminars Job rotation

training 9 Methods of training (cont.) Coaching or mentoring –Coaching provides employees on-going instruction and feedback about job performance from a supervisor. –Mentoring provides employees one-on-one assistance from an experienced employee to help in development. On-line or web-based training

training 10 Follow-up and continuous training Follow-up with employees to be certain that they are putting the training into action. Consistent monitoring and follow-up with new employees will show whether or not training was successful. Continuous training is important to keep employees current on business information and to allow for additional employee development that can make the company more productive.