Small house hold fires like stove or oven fires or a table fire can be put out without calling 000 by using wet mattresses. I would recommend 1 or 2 single bed mattresses depending on the size of the fire. If the fire gets too big to handle remove the mattresses, be sure they are not on fire, close all doors and remove extremely flammable objects and take a phone, only if possible you can always use your neighbours’, use your nearest exit following your emrgency evacuation plan meet at your appointed meeting place. Tip: your aim is to suffocate the fire MATTRESS
DID YOU KNOW That your teddy bear can help save your life? Just give him a bath and pass him to your mummy or daddy who will let him sit on the flame and the fire will dissapear. But don’t do it yourself you might get an Ouchy
OTHERS Most blankets, towels, doonas, and pillows can all be used to suffocate most small flames. But it would be best o wet them first.