By Kevin
Pontiac's war started in (7) About 200 Native American warriors died in Pontiac's war. (7) Fourteen different tribes were involved with Pontiac's war. (7) Pontiac’s War
During the Pontiac's war six Ottawa chiefs died. (6) In Pontiac’s war, British officers infected Native Americans with blankets from people infected with small pox. (7) Pontiac’s War (cont’d.)
Tecumseh's War started because Tecumseh did not agree with the Treaty of Fort Wayne. (10) After Tecumseh's War, Americans blamed the British for their violence and giving them weapons. (10) Tecumseh was thinking about forming an alliance with the British. (10) Tecumseh’s War
Tecumseh was killed at Battle of Thames in Canada in (9) Lenape Chief Buckongahelas one of the most important chiefs in the region died of either smallpox or influenza. (9) Tecumseh’s War (cont’d.) (10)
In the war with the Dutch the Haudenosaunee got guns because the Wyandot got metal weapons and eventually guns. (2) They had arrow/bow makers in the Ojibwa. (3) People in the Ojibwa got there own personal sign on there arrows so when they kill something like a bear he can show he's the one who killed it so he got it. (3) Supplies
The Menominee hunters and warriors used stone axes,clubs and bows and arrows. (4) In war Wyandot used spears, war club and bows. (5) Ojibwa warriors used clubs, flails, bow and arrows and a hide shield. (3) Warriors used leather cases to hold stuff. (1) The Huron tribe had from 25,000-30,000 members. (8) Supplies (cont’d.)
1.Native Americans (book) 2.Nations of the Eastern Great Lakes (book) 3. html html Pontaic's war (book) Sources