All information relating to safety training and awareness can be found at this address:
SIR e-Learning courses Levels 1 & 2 (Basic Safety) Level 3 (Specific Safety) Level 4 (LHC Machine) Level 4A (Atlas Safety) Level 4b (LHC-b Safety) Level 4C (CMS Safety) H0B0V Awareness (Electrical Safety) ALL web-based training
Individual Protection Not allowed In the LHC
Self Rescue Breathing Apparatus (Biocell Training) Biocell Training course is mandatory for accessing the LHC tunnel from the 1 st of December 2010
Radiation Protection This course is intended for members of the personnel exposed to ionizing radiation during their work, i.e. all staff wearing a CERN dosimeter (film badge) all year long. This course is compulsory and at the end of the session a test will be held to check the acquired knowledge ? For work package contractors?
All information relating to safety training and awareness can be found at this address