DIRECTIONS 1. Put the students into groups of three or four people.Teams race against each other to guess which word goes into the blank in the given.


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Presentation transcript:

DIRECTIONS 1. Put the students into groups of three or four people.Teams race against each other to guess which word goes into the blank in the given sentence. 2. First team to write the correct answer on their whiteboards gets control of the mystery box. The box may contain good or ba d things, which will affect a team’s score. Before opening the box, the team must decide whether to keep it or give it to another team of their choosing. 3.When they choose to keep it or send it to another group, whatever score (either plus or minus) it contains is added to that group’s scoreboard.

-team chooses to keep what’s in the box, or give it to another team- 100 points It may be good! KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box?

-100 points Or, It may be bad!

The canterville Ghost -100 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 1.Who did Virginia see after returning from riding?

The twins are going back to school -200 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 2. What good news did Virginia give to the ghost?

To stop hounting and rest 200 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 3. What did Virginia ask from the ghost?

His wife’s brothers 300 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 4. Who did starve the ghost to death?

By stealing Virginia’s Paınts 700 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 5. How did the Ghost put the blood stain on the floor?

300 years 400 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 6. For how many years hasn’t the ghost sleep?

The Garden of Death -300 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 7.Where can the Ghost have a beautiful sleep?

With Love 500 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 8. How can someone open the doors of Death’s house?

Weep for his sins -600 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 9.What can Virginia do for the Ghost?

The Minister(Mr. Otis) and The Duke (Cecil) Your team’s score is now ZER O KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 10. Who went to look for Virginia?

A hat -10 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 11. What was the missing thing for the Duke while they were searching for Virginia?

At the Landıng (top of the staırs) 1000 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 12. Where did the family find Virginia?

A box full of Jewelry (your score) x (-1) KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 13. What did the ghost give to Virginia before he left?.

A skeleton chained with an ıron rıng to the wall 500 points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 14. What did the family find when Virginia opened a secret room?

God forgave him and he dısappeared to rest ın peace points KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? KEEP OR GIVE The mystery box? 15. What happened to the Ghost?