My ABC Book By: Cierra Kirchmeier
A leut I chose this word because they were the people that came and invaded the village.
B askets I chose this word because she carried everything in baskets.
C anoes I chose this word because she got some of her food out of the canoes that they packed to leave if they needed to.
D olphins I chose this word because the dolphins followed her and her boat to tell her where she’s going.
E arthquake I chose this word because there was a couple of earthquakes tha scared her a lot in the book.
F riends I chose this word because I think that she had friends even though they weren’t always humans.
G ahala-at I chose this word because this is the name of the village she lives in.
H eadland I chose this word because she lives at the headland.
I sland I chose this because she lives on a island.
Jewelry I chose this word because she wore earrings a lot and that is part of jewelry.
K arana I picked this word because this is her secret name that she goes by.
L arge eyes I picked this word because it is the meaning of mon-a-nee.
M on-a-nee I picked this word because it is her otters name.
N orth I picked this word because she live at the north part of the headland.
O rlov I picked this word because it was the name of the new captain
P ools of water I picked this word because her otter swam in pools of water.
Q uiet I picked this word because she is very quiet.
R ontu I picked this word because this her dogs name that got killed
S ails I picked this word because the sails was important to the people in the village knew the ship was coming because the sails was res
T utok I picked this word because it was the girls name that became friends with Karana from the aleut ship
U lape I picked this word because it was her big sister’s name.
V illage I picked this word because she lived in a village on the north part of the headland.
Wannapolei I picked this word because this is her name in the book.
e X citing I picked this word because the book was exciting to read.
Y ucca Fibers I picked this word because it was what she made her skirts she wore.
Z alwit I picked this word because it means pelican in her language.