November : PACMAN Kick-off Meeting Introduction to Work Package 3: “Precision mechanics and stabilization” Michele Modena - CERN
Page 2 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) WP 3 OUTLINE ESR subjects Motivation ESR tasks description Training Plan Associated Partners ESRSubjectSecondmentUniversityCERN Superv. 3.1Ultra-precise quadrupole magnets assembly and testing. Integration of an alignment test-bench towards an industrial production DMP (4M)Cranfield (UK) M. Modena 3.2Seismic sensor development and vibration characterization (for PACMAN application) LAPP (7M), DMP (4M) SYMME (F) A. Gaddi 3.3Nano-positioning of the main LINAC quadrupole as means of laboratory pre-alignment TNO (6M)TU Delft (NL) H. Mainaud Durand (K. Artoos)
Page 3 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) Main motivation: the high production rate needed MBQ distribution (2010 units per linac) plus about DBQ X 2 (for e + and e - linacs) About magnets to be installed on modules! In a similar way this applies to: BPM, AS, PETS… (Ex. for 5 years of installation: 36 MBQ meas./install. per day) MB QUAD ACCEL. STRUCTURE (BRAZED DISKS) VAC ION PUMP GIRDER REF. SPHERE ALIGNMENT SYSTEM BEAM INSTRUMENTATION DB QUAD COOLING CIRCUIT RF LOAD PETS ( OCTANTS, MINI-TANK ) PETS ON-OFF MECHANISM MB ~1 A MB Q SUPPORT & STABILIZATION CRADLE COMPACT COUPLER DB 100 A VAC. MANIFOLDS
Page 4 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) ESR 3.1: Ultra-precise quadrupole magnets assembly and testing. Integration of an alignment test-bench towards an industrial production ESR 3.1 FIRST task: To complete the MBQ quadrupoles design, focusing on the critical performance aspects like: -PRECISION of the assembly -LIMITATION of the assembly time -COST minimization University enrolment: CRANFIELD – Industrial secondment: DMP (Spain) STATUS of the MBQ design? We have a sound magnetic and mechanical design. We proved the capability to machine complex pole shapes in a tolerance range of few micron (± 7µ in the last procured Type1 quadrants). We need to improve and finalize the quadrants assembly method (to identify and test the most convenient in terms of precision vs. cost). IMPORTANT: the stretched wire (for magnetic meas. and alignment) as proven to be: -For mag. meas. the ONLY system available (due to the small magnet bore diameter) -For mag meas. AND alignment: FAST, RELIABLE and PRECISE to do the job. -One of the main PACMAN goal is: to merge the two uses of a stretched wire together + (possibly merging also the use for BPM/RF alignment)
Page 5 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) ESR 3.1: Ultra-precise quadrupole magnets assembly and testing. Integration of an alignment test-bench towards an industrial production MBQ prototype procurement status
Page 6 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) ESR 3.1: Ultra-precise quadrupole magnets assembly and testing. Integration of an alignment test-bench towards an industrial production ESR 3.1 SECOND task: To integrate the different contributions of the PACMAN development (metrology, alignment, magnetic measurement, mechanical assembly, microwave technology), in a final integrated assembly test stand. ☞ Critical aspect for the PACMAN Project final delivery. The ESR will be responsible to coordinate the integration of the different sub-systems toward the main final goal of the PACMAN project that is: To develop and test an unique test bench for the ASSEMBLY, MEASUREMENTS, ALIGNMENT of several CLIC Module components: magnet supporting and adjustment tables stabilization system BPM PETS Accelerating Structures.
Page 7 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) 1 st estimation of space needed for PACMAN Integrated Test Stand: (assembly & integration activities, measurements, validation, etc.). Looking for an adequate building at CERN hosting the program. Under discussion with CERN/CLIC Managements. The space will be needed starting ~ m Test stand Environment requirements: ~ 22±2°C, Area qualified as: LOW level ground motion and human activities ~3 m Needed free area for assembly, measurements, etc. ~1.5 m 2.5 m ESR 3.1: Ultra-precise quadrupole magnets assembly and testing. Integration of an alignment test-bench towards an industrial production
Page 8 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) ESR 3.2: Seismic sensor development and vibration characterization (for PACMAN application) ESR 3.2 task: To upgrade or develop seismic sensors which are suitable for measurement at sub nanometre scale with a large bandwidth covering the whole frequency region of interest ( Hz). University enrolment: SYMME (UNI Savoie) – Industrial secondments: LAPP (France) and DMP (Spain) Various sensors exist on the market but today no one is adapted to be used in CLIC stabilization environment (linac Modules or Beam Delivery System). The R&D done inside this ESR has to target specific aspects like: very low instrumental noise on a large bandwidth. stray magnetic fields resistance. robustness and reliability (mechanical and electronic). compact size and light-weight (range of few kg maximum) to fit the crowded Modules environment. NOTE: The seismic sensor subject of this ESR will be used for the Module assembly and tests. It is not expected to be used in CLIC accelerator operation. For this reason radiation resistance capability will be not required.
Page 9 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) ESR 3.2: Seismic sensor development and vibration characterization (for PACMAN application) The ESR will start with the familiarization and knowledge acquisition of the wide sensors and testing experience developed at CERN and LAPP (Annecy) for the Linear Collider stabilization studies. For this specific ESR is in fact plan a long secondment at the LAPP Laboratory (7 months integrated on the 3 years). It is expected that some phases (ex. sensor development and validation) could be done at LAPP. Examples of seismic sensors utilization during stabilization tests at CERN (left) and at LAPP (right)
Page 10 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) ESR 3.3: Nano-positioning of the main LINAC quadrupole as means of laboratory pre-alignment ESR 3.3 task: To upgrade and integrate in the PACMAN stand a nano-positioning system for the MBQ magnets. This system will be needed for the alignment of the magnets during Modules assembly and for the beam steering during the CLIC accelerator operation. University enrolment: TU Delft (NL) – Industrial secondment: TNO (NL) ☞ The correct performances of the stabilization and nano-positioning system needed for the optic elements (ex. quadrupoles in the linacs and in the final focus regions) is a key element for the feasibility of future linear accelerator like CLIC. Prototypes of nano-positioning systems are under development since several years at CERN and will be utilized in the assembly/alignment bench core of the PACMAN activities. Examples of type1 MBQ prototype stabilization/nano-positioning tests done at CERN. The ESR is expected: To work on the upgrade the first prototype of nano-positioning system to be used for the test setup. To investigate the possibility of using long range actuators in flexural guides for the combination of alignment and stabilization with sub-nanometre resolution in a millimetre range.
Page 11 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) Training events, workshops & conferences Lead Organising Institution Planned dateESR 3.1ESR 3.2ESR AXEL : introduction to particle accelerators (10h)CERNMarch 14XXX 2 Basic principles of metrology and survey (2 days) CERNApril 14XXX 3 CLIC principles and technology challenges (4-6 hours) CERNMay 14XXX 4 Basic Labview training (5 days)NIJune 14(X) 5 Radiation effects on electronics (4 days)CERNMay 14X X 6 Electromagnetic compatibility (6.5 h)CERNMay 14XX X 7 MATLAB (2 days)CERNMay 14(X) 8 CMM fundamentals basics and usage of operating software Quindos (5 days) HexagonJune14XXX 9 Advanced course in FSI (2 days)EtalonMay14 10 MAGNECERNApril 14 X 11 ANSYS (4 days)CERNJune 14XX X 14 Dimensional metrology (10h)CERNFeb. 15XXX 15 USPAS course on vibrational aspects for accelerators (5 days) CERNJan. 15XXX 16 Introduction to accelerator physics (2 weeks)CERNOct. 15(X) 17 CST Microwave Studio (2 days)CERNJuly NI RF module (5 days)CERNJuly EMAG (2 days)CERNJune 14(X) Network-wide training activities – workshops & conferences
Page 12 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) Training events, workshops & conferencesPlanned dateESR 3.1ESR 3.2ESR Workshop on Intellectual property and technology transfer June 15 XXX 13 First, Second and Final PACMAN workshop (3 days each) Feb.15, Sept.16, June 17 XXX 20 Conference in Optical metrologyMay 2015, 2016(X) 21 International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA)Oct. 2014, 2016(X) 22 Biennal ISMA conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering May 2015, 2016 X X 23 Yearly international conference and industrial exhibition organized by the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) Oct. 2015, 2016XXX 24 The International Magnetic Measurements Workshop (IMMW) June 2015, 2016(X) 25 International Conference in Magnet Technology (MT)July 2014, 2016 X 26 The International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS) Oct. 2014, 2015, 2016 (X) 27 The LINAC conference is devoted to linear accelerators all over the world. Sept. 2014, 2015, 2016 (X) 28 The International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC)June 2015, The European Gender Summit, organized yearly by genSET. Nov. 2014, 2015, 2016 (X) Network-wide training activities – workshops & conferences
Page 13 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) TrainingDuration Host / trainer ESR 3.1ESR 3.2ESR 3.3 Safety awareness 1 hourCERNXXX Communication towards the general public 4 hoursCERNXXX Team building 1 dayCERNXXX Communication program Communicating effectively.4 daysCERNXXX Personal awareness and impact.3 daysCERNXXX Making presentations3 daysCERNXXX Negotiating efficiently.2 daysCERNXXX ManagementprogramManaging by project2 daysCERNXXX Project scheduling and costing2 daysCERNXXX Quality management.2 daysCERNXXX Risk management.2 daysCERNXXX Entrepreneurship for researchers 2 daysCERNXXX French/English. 30 hours CERN(X) Framework proposal writing1 dayCERN(X) Network-wide training activities – workshops & conferences
Page 14 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners CRANFIELD ( Academic Partner for ESR 3.1) UNI Savoie( Academic Partner for ESR 3.2) TU Delft( Academic Partner for ESR 3.3) DMP( Secondment Partner for ESR 3.1) LAPP( Secondment Partner for ESR 3.2) TNO( Secondment Partner for ESR 3.3)
Page 15 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners CRANFIELD ( Academic Partner for ESR 3.1)
Page 16 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners CRANFIELD ( Academic Partner for ESR 3.1)
Page 17 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners UNI Savoie( Academic Partner for ESR 3.2)
Page 18 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners UNI Savoie( Academic Partner for ESR 3.2)
Page 19 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners TU Delft( Academic Partner for ESR 3.3)
Page 20 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners TU Delft( Academic Partner for ESR 3.3)
Page 21 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners DMP( Secondment Partner for ESR 3.1 and 3.2)
Page 22 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners DMP( Secondment Partner for ESR 3.1 and 3.2)
Page 23 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners LAPP( Secondment Partner for ESR 3.2)
Page 24 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners LAPP( Secondment Partner for ESR 3.2)
Page 25 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners TNO( Secondment Partner for ESR 3.3)
Page 26 November 20, 2013 – PACMAN kick-off Meeting: “Introduction to Work Package 3” (M. Modena) The WP3 PACMAN Partners TNO( Secondment Partner for ESR 3.3)