VISION To raise the standard of living by making aware all the stakeholders about the schemes and procedures. Thus increasing their participation.
ACTION PLAN FOR TULIP Identification and training of volunteers. Giving detail information of one flagship program in each panchayat samiti meeting by HoD and two flagship programs in each gram sabha by officers at panchayat samiti level. Preparation of IEC material like – Leaflets, Hoardings, Wall paintings etc. Panchayati raj ‘aap ke dwar’. Special rath yatra. Computer literacy for rural youth. Computerization of all village panchayats. For ex – e-office, PRIA software. Internet connectivity in all village panchayats. Biometric ‘end to end solution’.
ACTION PLAN FOR TULIP Contd… Construction of RG Bhavan in all village panchayats. Use of solar power in RG bhavan. Rainwater harvesting in RG bhavan. Special campaign to mobilize the masses. Panchayat raj quiz program at block level for awareness of different schemes. Effective implementation of Sant Gargebaba Gram Swachata Abhiyan. Community radio with the help of NGOs. Capacity building of PRIs and implementers.
ACTION PLAN FOR TULIP Contd… To reduce malnutrition by starting VCDCs. Exposure visits. Promotion of dairy activity. Promotion of organic farming, improved seeds. Establishment of agro processing units. Universalization of SHGs and formation of federations. Starting of MGNREGS works. Making the block ODF.
ACTION PLAN FOR TULIP Contd… 100% institutional deliveries. 100% enrollment of students in primary schools and reducing the drop out rate. Providing amenities at market places. Implementation of ‘foodgrains at doorstep’ scheme.