Substance Abuse Smoking 10/13/09
Trivia Game Split the class into two groups Each group will ask the other ten trivia questions Let’s see what we know about smoking!!!
What is in a Cigarette? Tobacco, which contains nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide 4000 other chemicals
What is in a Cigarette? Nicotine Increases blood pressure Curbs appetite and slows digestion Highly addictive Is a stimulant and then a depressant Tar Cancer causing element Dark and Sticky substance Major cause of bronchitis and emphysema Causes yellowing of the teeth
How Harmful is the Tar in a Cigarette? The amount of tar an average smoker inhales in a year is astonishing. Lungs are Like Sponges Lungs are Like Sponges Still want to smoke? Still want to smoke?
TIPS Think, Ink, Pair, Share Why do young people smoke? What are some of the harmful effects of smoking? What reasons would you give for not smoking?
Why do Young People Smoke? Peer Pressure Rebellion Curiosity To be “cool” Environment To Look Mature Media Influence-Idol or role model smokes Are these good reasons?? Article- Waiting to Inhale
Smoking Affects the Entire Body Lungs Heart and Blood Vessels Digestive System Brain and Eyes Mouth and Throat Reproductive System
Lungs Healthy lungs allow an easy transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide Healthy lungs trap dust in mucous-moved out by the help of cilia Tobacco kills cilia Tobacco damages the lining of the lung- makes them thick, black and scarred Much more difficult to breath
Heart and Blood Vessels Constricts blood vessels, increasing BP Formation of blood clots Hardening of the arteries Leads to heart attack, irregular heart rate, coronary heart disease
Affects Cont’d Weakens stomach lining, produces ulcers Stroke, Cataracts (blindness) Damages immune system, gum disease, cancer of the mouth and lips Increased risk of cervical cancer, difficulties with pregnancy-stillborn, low birth weight, premature baby
Things to Think About The only smoking ads on TV today are anti- smoking We are much more educated now Smoking laws are increasingly more strict Over 70% of people who start want to quit Cigarette labels Ask yourself, would you want your friend or partner to smoke?
The Cost of Smoking One pack of cigarettes cost $ Calculate how much that is in a week(x7) A month (above amount x 4) A year (above amount x 12) 25 years (above amount x 25) How much could you have?? How much could you have??