Karoline Thorvaldsen Tiffany Turner Patti Pentecost
8 th Grade Probability & Statistics Standard: Ohio Academic Content Standard/Probability: Calculate the number of possible outcomes for a situation, recognizing and accounting for when items may occur more than once or when order is important.
Objectives: Students will understand the concept of probability Collect data by counting possible outcomes of dice Analyze and interpret data by using a sample set
1) Make a list of topics and ideas that come to mind when you think of “probability.” These should include some everyday uses of probability as well as school or mathematical uses 2) What is your definition of probability?
Rules: – To accumulate points in a given round, a pair of dice is rolled. – A player gets the total of the dice and records it in his or her column, unless a “one” comes up. – If a “one” comes up, play is over for that round and all the player’s points in that column are wiped out. – If “double one” come up, all points accumulated in prior columns are wiped out as well. – If a “one” doesn’t occur, the player may choose either to try for more points on the next roll or to stop an keep what he or she has accumulated.
Strategy Questions for Pig? Did you have a risky strategy or did you play it safe? If you played a couple more rounds could you see patterns developing? What if instead of “one” the round was over with the summation of a “six”? Would that heighten your probability of being wiped out?
Work in teams of 2. Each team member completes 10 rounds. Each round is 2 roles of the dice. One player roles the dice, the other player blindly guesses if the role of the dice is odd or even. Record after two roles whether your partner answered zero, one or two correct guesses. Change roles after ten rounds. Total zero, one and two correct guesses. Each team should have a total of 20 points. Teams record their totals on the Smart Board.
TeamsZeroOneTwo TOTAL:
Theoretical—what should happen Experimental—what does happen