How to Develop Your Ministry Partners Quickly MESSAGE GOAL: The goal of this session is to help you to know how to raise support quickly,to understand the difference between goals and desires; to balance work and faith properly as you reach your support goal. MAIN POINTS OF THIS SESSION: 1.Understand the difference between Desires and Goals. 2.Know what you can expect in your country. 3.Understand why most staff don’t get these kinds of results. 4.Know how to make these results happen. 5.Know what will be your results from accomplishing these goals.
1.Who is Responsible for What? Understand the difference between Goals and Desires. 1.A goal is something that involves only your will! This is our responsibility. We act. “The horse is made ready for the day of battle.” 2.A desire, on the other hand, is something that involves another person's will. This is God’s responsibility. We Pray. “Victory rests with the Lord.”
2.What Can I Expect in My Country? Following is an example of the results one can expect in the USA: One appointment is made per hour of calling for appointments. 50% of those seen on appointments will become monthly Ministry Partners. (So 16 appointment/week = 8 new monthly Ministry Partners/week.) IF you ask all those you have appointments with for $100/mo., you will average $50/mo. per new Ministry Partner. (So, 8 new Ministry Partners/week times $50/mo. = $400/mo. raised for every week of DMPD.)
3.Why Then Don’t Most Staff Get These Kind of Results It is because of the 5 problems they face, which are: 1.A wrong attitude about DMPD. 2.Not networking effectively for a strong pool of contacts, therefore “running out of contacts.” 3.Not spending hours/week calling for appointments at scheduled calling times. 4.Not clearly asking all for one challenging amount in their close. [In 2013 this amount should be $150/mo. (More for the top 5% most wealthy)]. 5.Not really trusting God to work through them to develop their support. [Numbers 1-4 above come from not “making the horse ready” because of comfort zone thinking. Ironically, number 5 comes from trusting in self “making the horse ready” rather than in “victory rests with the Lord.”]
4.How to Make These Results Happen What Goals can I have that will increase the probability of the Desired support being raised this quickly? 1.Listen to the Attitude Messages every day. 2.Have a daily Quiet Time. 3.Ask everyone for contacts. 4.Spend 8-15 hours/week (depending on your country) on the phone at prime calling times making appointments with your contacts. 5.Ask all with whom you have an appointment for one challenging amount. (This amount is determined by country.)
5.What Will be Your Results from accomplishing these Goals? 1.Your faith in God will increase. 2.Your joy will be full. 3.Your desired financial need will be met quickly.
ACTION POINTS: 1.Keep the proper understanding of the difference between Goal & Desire clearly in mind. 2.Set Goals realizing only your will is involved and lack of motivation or discipline is the only thing keeping you from reaching those goals. 3.Pray about your Desires realizing that other people’s wills are involved and therefore nothing you can do will guarantee any certain result.