Every high school graduate should be able to use sound statistical reasoning to intelligently cope with the requirements of citizenship, employment, and family and to be prepared for a healthy, happy and productive life. EPreK-12_Full.pdf
Knowledge and skills in statistics and probability Look at the NZC objectives for Levels 3 – 6. What do you notice?
Key Ideas What do you notice? What are the progressions from Level 3 – Level 6?
Keep the big picture in mind all the time What are the key themes across the Achievement Objectives Levels 3 – 6?
Summarise both the AO’s and the Key Ideas from Levels I wonder if we can put together a simple progression for learning from Levels 3 – 6? I wonder if the three substrands can be integrated in programmes?
Pedagogy: teaching not telling How can students use concrete materials to build statistical thinking eg to understand the nature of mean and median? How can a 2-way bridge be built between the concrete and the abstract?
Writing in statistics Students ask: What can I see in the graph? What do the numbers allow me to say about what I can see? What does this mean in context?
Resources are unlikely to be found in a text book Gaise (Google search) and …