Leslie Brown
Born and raised in Ohio Oldest of two siblings
Played flute and piccolo, and was very active in high school marching band Enjoys reading and spending time with friends and family
Traveled to England, Scotland, France, Germany, and Africa
B.A. in International Affairs - University of Mary Washington M.Ed. in Secondary Education – Holy Family University (in progress)
Served for two years as a Community and Youth Education Volunteer for the Peace Corps in the Zinder region of Niger, West Africa
Worked with local educators and middle school level children in extracurricular activities, such as: Girls Soccer Team Small Income Generating Sewing Group English Conversation Group
Students will use critical thinking skills and participate in cooperative learning activities to enhance their understanding of the topics covered throughout the year Activities will be differentiated and allow students to use the learning style that works best for them
Students will have met the PA benchmarks in social studies Students will have further developed their critical thinking skills Students will have an appreciation for and greater interest in social studies