The Emperor builds an Empire
Took possession of Austrian Netherlands and parts of Italy Set up a puppet government in Switzerland Britain persuaded Russia, Austria, and Sweden to team up against France Napoleon made his own French army He then crushed his enemies in battles
They all signed peace treaties with France Built largest European Empire since the Romans Only major enemy left was Britain’s navy
Strong- only lost one major battle Battle of Trafalgar- more important than all his victories on land Took place in 1805 off the southern coast of spain Horatio Nelson- commander Admiral that defeated Napoleon defeated the larger French-Spanish fleet, showing brilliance in warfare During the battle Nelson was wounded
Two major results from the French fleet Assumed the supremacy of the British navy for the next three hundred years Forced Napoleon to give up his plans of invading Britain Eventually, Napoleons efforts to crush Britain and lead to his own undoing
In National Assembly wanted the same privileges as the people in France Civil War: Toussaint L’Ouverture- Under his control the productive colony was taken over 23,000 soldiers to accomplish the task
US government showed interest in buying the port of New Orleans Napoleon saw an opportunity to make $$ He was the one who offered to sell 1803 President bought Louisiana for 15 million This was Napoleons way of getting back at the English
By 1812, only European countries not under his control were Britain, the Ottoman Empire, Portugal, and Sweden Also controlled so-called “independent nations” such as Spain, and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw Rulers of some of these countries were his brothers and in-laws Russia, Prussia, and Austria were loosely attached to Napoleon through alliances Empire was huge but unstable