Module 8 : Configuration II Jong S. Bok
Contents Configuring Regional Settings Configuring Usage Analysis Configuring Antivirus Protection Configuring Blocked File Extensions
Demo: Configuring Regional Settings
Contents Configuring Regional Settings Configuring Usage Analysis Configuring Antivirus Protection Configuring Blocked File Extensions
Configuring Usage Analysis Allow you to track how Web sites on your server are being used. Whether or not to log usage data. –By default, is not enabled. –Log files are created daily to track usage information. Where the log files are stored and how many log files to create. –By default, the log files are in C:\Windows\system32\LogFiles\STS. –Can specify that up to 30 log files are created. –Must be sure to give the STS_WPG user group Read, Write and Update permissions to the directory.
Configuring Usage Analysis (Cont.) Whether or not to process the usage logs and when to do so. –By default, the log files are set to be processed every day at 1:00 A.M. –Usage analysis data is gathered from the front-end Web servers and collected into temporary files. –When the daily log processing takes place, the data is merged into the content databases on the back-end servers. –Usage data is kept for up to three months in the database for historical purpose. –Daily information is stored for 31 days and monthly information for 24 months.
Demo: Configure usage analysis processing for a server
Contents Configuring Regional Settings Configuring Usage Analysis Configuring Antivirus Protection Configuring Blocked File Extensions
Configuring Antivirus Protection Allow you to help protect your users from uploading or downloading files that contain viruses. When you enable the antivirus protection feature, files are checked for viruses when a user adds a document to a document library or list, or when a user views a document in a document library or list. If a virus is found, the scanner attempts to clean the file, or if the file cannot be cleaned, blocks the file from being added or viewed. If a file is uploaded, and is later identified as containing a virus, users will not be able to open the file. Users may still be able to save the file locally and open it from their computer. Must install WSS-compatible antivirus software.
Demo: Enable antivirus protection for your server or server farm
Contents Configuring Regional Settings Configuring Usage Analysis Configuring Antivirus Protection Configuring Blocked File Extensions
Provides the ability to restrict certain kinds of files from being uploaded or retrieved, based on the file extensions. Does not prevent all exploits based on file types, nor is it designed to do so. By default, several standard file extensions are blocked, including any file extensions that are treated as executable files by Windows Explorer. Can block additional file extensions (up to 1024 file types) by adding them.
Demo: Add or remove a file type from the list of blocked file extensions