PRIMARY INDUCTION Faculty Safety Managers: Stefan Hoyle & Jan de Abela-Borg
Emergency phone numbers Campus emergency phone number: Put it in your mobile! Or from college phones on SK campus phone: 4444 Always call these numbers in preference to 999
Fire 1 When you enter a building/lecture theatre/lab etc for the first time always: Look for the fire exits (green running man signs) Look for the fire information notices which will tell you where the evacuation assembly point is.
Fire 2 If the fire alarm sounds in any building: Leave by the nearest exit via the sign posted evacuation route Do not stop to collect coats or belongings Move well away from the building (to the assembly point if you know where it is.) Do not re-enter the building unless you are told it is safe to do so Fire alarms: Different buildings may have different alarm systems/sounds Alarms are tested weekly Fire drills are held annually.
Fire 3 If you discover a fire Raise the alarm by activating the nearest call point – just break the glass and push / push on the black button! Leave the building and move away
Accidents and Near Misses Report incidents immediately to your supervisor or tutor or to a warden They will help you complete an Accident or Near Miss Form These are available on the Safety Dept web site.
Slips, trips, heights, manual handling etc
Hazards, Safety Signage & Restricted Areas in College safety Restricted area mandatory prohibition safety warning Container labels
Normal Working Hours & Building Access Hours Most Buildings have access hours from 7am – 11pm - your card will not work outside these hours. All Departments have specified working hours and procedures for working outside these times. Where appropriate you will be told of these arrangements. Be careful & beware when leaving buildings and campuses late at night – ensure you have a safe method of travel.
Safety Committees, Concerns & Training All Departments and Divisions have termly Health & Safety Committees. Students are represented on these committees – Find out who your rep is. If you have any queries or concerns about Safety speak to your supervisor, tutor, local safety officer or Faculty Safety Manager. It is compulsory for you to attend all timetabled safety training.
Safety Notice Board Each Department will have at least 1 Safety Notice Board– It will include a list of Departmental First Aiders & a list of Departmental Safety Personnel Find out where yours is!
Student and Staff Home Pages
Useful websites for your ‘favourites’ - College Safety webpage - Faculty of Natural Sciences webpage and links to Dept web pages - Occupational Health advice - Fire and Security information