The importance of plants and animals to the ancient Egyptians By: Alexis Thacker Scribe By: Alexis Thacker Scribe
Why were plants important to the ancient Egyptians? Plants were important to the ancient Egyptians because they helped them survive, feed their livestock, and also trade for things that they didn't have. They used plants as medicine, and themes of religion. Many plants were sacred to the Egyptians. They showed this by having plant gods, creating sculptures of plants, and painting scenes that include plants.
Why were animals important to the ancient Egyptians? Animals were important to the ancient Egyptians because the Egyptians believed that they needed a balanced relationship between themselves and animals. Egyptians believed they weren’t more important than animals. They showed their respect for the animals by including them in many sculptures, creating gods that were both human and animal, and wall paintings.
Plants and animals were important to ancient Egyptians. There were many plants and animals that were important to ancient Egyptians. These are the main plants and animals that I'm going to focus on they are: the Blue Water Lily, the Jackal, and last but not least the Crocodile.
The Jackal Ancient Egyptians thought that the Jackal was another form of their god Anubis. Anubis had a head of a Jackal and the body of a human. He was the son of Osiris, and he was called “The King of the dead.” This is a statue of an ancient Egyptian Jackal.
The Blue Water Lily The Blue Water lily was important to the ancient Egyptians because they thought at night time when the water lily’s petals closed, a god was inside. They thought that when Ra would raise the sun each morning, he also would open up the lily.
The Crocodile When the Egyptians would wash their clothes they would have to be cautious because the waters were highly populated with crocodiles. The Egyptians believed that Sobek was the god of the crocodiles. Sobek had a head of a crocodile and a body of a human. Sobek
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