The Economy and Culture Globalization. Economic Policies ProtectionismFree trade Goal: to protect national production from outside competition. Some measures:


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Presentation transcript:

The Economy and Culture Globalization

Economic Policies ProtectionismFree trade Goal: to protect national production from outside competition. Some measures: Tariffs, quotas on imports, export subsidies (money granted to national corporations to help them out) Goal: to have free circulation of goods and services. Involves: Reduce or eliminate tariffs and other protectionist measures.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Free trade agreement between Canada, USA and Mexico Objectives: eliminating customs barriers and freeing trade and investments between the three countries. Each NAFTA country is free to decide its economic policy with other countries. US$ 16,200 billion produced in 2007.

WTO protest in Seattle, 1999

Why is there opposition to free trade?

Opposition to free trade Businesses move factories to regions where production is cheaper. In these regions, workers are paid less. Additionally, in these regions, working conditions are often worse (longer hours, no benefits, cases of child labour)

Globalization of Culture

Example: MacDonald’s restaurant in Beijing

Homogenization of culture Spread of American culture in the areas of music, film, clothing, fast food, etc. Predominance of English. This is sometimes referred to as cultural imperialism.

What is the appeal of America?

What effect does the homogenization of culture have on the world? Threats to language: - according to UNESCO, over 3000 languages are in danger of disappearing by the end of the century. Threats to world heritage sites.

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Created in One of their goals is to protect heritage sites across the world.