Run Coordination Summary of the May 14, 2004 Run Coordinator Meeting CT-EC2 Run Preparation Meeting May 17, 2004 Slide 1 Peter Loch University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona Run coordinators for Run I (May-July): Run coordinators for Run I (May-July): May 17May 20Peter Schacht May 20May 27Leonid Kurchaninov May 27June 2Peter Krieger June 2June 9Peter Schacht June 9June 15No beam June 15June 28Peter Loch June 28July 3Mikhael Kazarinov July 3July 7Peter Schacht
Run Coordination Summary of the May 14, 2004 Run Coordinator Meeting CT-EC2 Run Preparation Meeting May 17, 2004 Slide 2 Peter Loch University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona Run coordination issues (1): Run coordination issues (1): Run program: Run program: overall program outline -> this meeting! overall program outline -> this meeting! program of the day (or shift, at least) on white board in counting house; program of the day (or shift, at least) on white board in counting house; changes/adaption to beam conditions only by run coordinator -> to be contacted by shift crew for approval at any time! changes/adaption to beam conditions only by run coordinator -> to be contacted by shift crew for approval at any time! progress and status traceable on web page linked from official LAr Testbeam web page (maintained by run coordinator); progress and status traceable on web page linked from official LAr Testbeam web page (maintained by run coordinator); daily meetings (8:00 in NA meeting room) starting at the beginning of physics running; daily meetings (8:00 in NA meeting room) starting at the beginning of physics running; at least one more status meeting before physics running; at least one more status meeting before physics running; Shifts: Shifts: run coordinator present at every shift change, at least in the beginning; run coordinator present at every shift change, at least in the beginning; instructions to shift crews by run coordinator only (may be delegated); instructions to shift crews by run coordinator only (may be delegated); any change in shift schedule needs to be confirmed by run coordinator; any change in shift schedule needs to be confirmed by run coordinator; checklist once/shift at fixed time to maintain Δt = 8 hours – also at times of no beams! checklist once/shift at fixed time to maintain Δt = 8 hours – also at times of no beams! experts and shifters only in the counting house, please! experts and shifters only in the counting house, please! notify run coordinator of expert activties ( /phone); notify run coordinator of expert activties ( /phone);
Run Coordination Summary of the May 14, 2004 Run Coordinator Meeting CT-EC2 Run Preparation Meeting May 17, 2004 Slide 3 Peter Loch University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona Run coordination issues (2): Run coordination issues (2): Experts: Experts: coordinate interventions during physics running with run coordinator; coordinate interventions during physics running with run coordinator; pre-plan as much as possible, schedule non-emergency work on beam-off days, etc.; pre-plan as much as possible, schedule non-emergency work on beam-off days, etc.; please limit presence in the counting house and on the platform to when it’s really needed! please limit presence in the counting house and on the platform to when it’s really needed! shift crews should know about experts working; shift crews should know about experts working; Documentation: Documentation: general logbook (shift log), additional beam settings log, electronics/DAQ log… ; general logbook (shift log), additional beam settings log, electronics/DAQ log… ; run sheets (electronic and paper) and run summaries (histogram files publicly readable, probably on prints); run sheets (electronic and paper) and run summaries (histogram files publicly readable, probably on prints); web application a la EMB for run sheets -> public read access through web; web application a la EMB for run sheets -> public read access through web; program progress monitored by run coordinators (stats/program point), status available on the web (~daily updates); program progress monitored by run coordinators (stats/program point), status available on the web (~daily updates); data quality monitored by run coordinator, estimated by shift crew -> good/bad run list on the web; data quality monitored by run coordinator, estimated by shift crew -> good/bad run list on the web; beam profiles, magnet, coll, CEDAR, etc., settings logged for each beam change; beam profiles, magnet, coll, CEDAR, etc., settings logged for each beam change; clearly indicate shift changes and other entries in general logbook with date/time/name stamp, please! clearly indicate shift changes and other entries in general logbook with date/time/name stamp, please!
Run Coordination Summary of the May 14, 2004 Run Coordinator Meeting CT-EC2 Run Preparation Meeting May 17, 2004 Slide 4 Peter Loch University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona Computing and data access: Computing and data access: Monitoring: Monitoring: monitoring/event display done on Arizona PC (pcfcal01) in counting house; monitoring/event display done on Arizona PC (pcfcal01) in counting house; PC has only public shift account (h6run, no write access to source code) and restricted development and testing account (h6dev,Rob, Monika, myself); PC has only public shift account (h6run, no write access to source code) and restricted development and testing account (h6dev,Rob, Monika, myself); monitoring starts automatically after n secs after DAQ start; monitoring starts automatically after n secs after DAQ start; event display is user driven, i.e. shift crew can browse events independent of monitoring running; event display is user driven, i.e. shift crew can browse events independent of monitoring running; Computing: Computing: absolutely no public computing (web, , … ) in the counting house – all nodes in there have dedicated and important tasks! absolutely no public computing (web, , … ) in the counting house – all nodes in there have dedicated and important tasks! offline data access through lxplus and CASTOR – most runs available to everybody within minutes, hopefully! offline data access through lxplus and CASTOR – most runs available to everybody within minutes, hopefully! we will communicate advances in software (change of releases etc.) so people can follow; we will communicate advances in software (change of releases etc.) so people can follow; contributions to monitoring (new histograms, algos…) are highly welcome, but need to be evaluated (performance etc.) and integrated (code checking) by Rob, Monika, myself…; contributions to monitoring (new histograms, algos…) are highly welcome, but need to be evaluated (performance etc.) and integrated (code checking) by Rob, Monika, myself…; don’t forget to communicate your analyzises and publish your code! don’t forget to communicate your analyzises and publish your code!