2 Will continue with the five-part learning structure: Introduction How’s It Going New Learning (Book Study) Personal Action Planning Review A place to “work on the work” Will continue with instructional leadership breakouts – Continue with your green cylinder plans from last year. This can also be your BLT Individual Implementation Plan. Getting Organized: The Structure
3 The district will provide tuition support ($40) for those taking the course for credit; CEUs are at no cost. To maintain eligibility for district tuition support, participants must receive a grade no lower than a “B” in the course. Course Requirements (to achieve an “A”): Participate in sessions, and complete the required reading/assignments. Develop a plan and implement actions that promote teachers’ growth regarding clear learning targets and the criteria for success. Either facilitate the five-part learning structure, or present an instructional leadership topic for a break out session. Getting Organized: Course Credit
4 This Year: Will focus on Sharing Learning Targets and the Criteria for Success; Will drill down into the Developing People cylinder. Our continued work convinces us that Shared Learning Targets and the Criteria for Success is the hub—the central element of the process. And because of that, we suggest it as the first element to introduce and focus on. The learning target is key. Without a clear understanding of where we are headed, the effects of the other elements decrease. A unified, strategic plan for formative assessment begins with and is sustained by clearly communicated targets and criteria for success. Moss and Brookhart This Year’s Work: Sharing Learning Targets and the Criteria for Success
5 Framing the Work: Dispositions of Instructional Leaders Dispositions (inclinations) define how we will approach the school improvement work Dispositions of Instructional Leaders (See handout) Which dispositions might we be mindful of to support this work?
6 The Learning Assessment Process Modeling: Reserve 20% of your brain to make connections to the model Both the blue (the teacher) and the green (the learner—you) Write your observations, connections, thinking, learning, etc. on the model
7 Today’s Learning Targets (What you will learn) and Criteria for Success (How you will know you’ve learned it) 1. Understanding of Formative Assessment 2. Motivation Connections 3. Ways to talk to teachers to promote formative assessment growth What’s your understanding of what you will learn by the end of the session today?
8 Building a Depth of Shared Understanding Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom: A Guide for Instructional Leaders (Moss & Brookhart, 2009) Chapter One Summary The Lay of the Land: Essential Elements of the Formative Assessment Process Learning Organizer
9 Chapter One Learning Targets (What you will learn today) and Tasks LT #1: Understanding of FA Task: Highlight the phrase/sentence that most deepens your understanding of FA LT #2: Motivation Connection Task: Complete the Venn Diagram LT #3: Talking with Teachers to Advance FA Task: Text Rendering – Deconstruct the text, selecting key phrases most important to you.
10 Comparison Against the Criteria A solo flight Evaluate your strengths and needs Feedback - What constitutes quality? Partner – Give and accept feedback writing your feedback on the sheet
11 Closing the Gap Toward the Learning Targets How will we close the gap? Next steps: Regarding clarifying and sharing learning targets and the criteria for success with students: Begin formulating - What’s your learning target for your teachers/learners? (What do you want them to learn?) Nov. 17—Bring artifacts that represent your teachers’ clarifying and sharing learning targets status that includes examples of Individual Implementation Plans. Read pages 5-23 (Ch. 1) & pages (Ch. 2).
12 Summary/Debrief Today’s Learning The Learning-Assessment Process Model Teacher quality exerts greater influence on student achievement than any other factor in education—no other factor even comes close. Formative assessment affects teacher quality because it operates at the core of effective teaching. Moss and Brookhart