Alan Medway Service Development Manager, Staffordshire Library and Information Services Information in Public Libraries – How do staff engage with queries?
Public Libraries have a long tradition: of providing information, self-help and a listening ear
Public Libraries are also keen: to support health and well-being initiatives HEALTH INFORMATION WEEK
Changing scenes Changes in NHS Bringing together of some NHS and Local Authority functions Health and Social Care Act (2012) Clinical Commissioning Groups Public Health and Wellbeing
Changing scenes Changes in Public libraries Community hubs Engagement, not just use Commissioning models in LAs Broad expectations of staff skills Digital information offer
Expectations on library staff »A traditional book loan service »An up-to-the-minute access to digital information »A “rules-light”, access-focussed service »Quick service, but not always self-service »And are library staff still trusted? »YES! »The survey for the general information offer showed that library staff were second only to doctors as trusted for the information they give – above friends and relatives, post office staff and politicians!
Are library staff there for…? Signposting and Information YES Using stock Using the web Using contacts Using local knowledge
Advice and Guidance NO Except standard advice: “always check with a health professional if you have any concerns about your health” Except guidance in making use of resources available
National Information Offer Being designed to make the best, most straightforward, most demanded information as accessible as possible, with less confident IT users in mind. Completing pilot phase Lessons are being learned Will cover key life areas: Health Job-seeking and self-employment Benefits and personal finance Channel shift to more online and less face-to-face contact
National Information Offer – West Midlands Pilot Decided to focus on health because: Health and Well-Being Partnership Toolkit pulled together by the Reading Agency for Society of Chief Librarians (SCL) WM. Advocacy tool for public library services. Argues for health and well-being benefits of reading activity. Led to a signed Memorandum of Understanding between SCL WM and NHS WM
National Information Offer – West Midlands Pilot Looking to provide easy access to health information, including Books on Prescription, Online Health Checks and staff training modules. These might have been separate parts of the project but ultimately we sought to bring them all together. The result: Still a test site to explore and comment on Developed by NHS West Midlands