Thursday June 18, :00 Noon English Regents
Part 1 – Listening Listen to a passage two times. Take good notes! Answer multiple choice questions. Note: You will have the opportunity to read the questions after the first reading.
Part 2 – Reading Comprehension Read two separate passages. (annotate too!) Answer multiple choice questions after each passage. Note: Take your time and remember to refer back to the text.
Read passages from two different genres. (annotate too!) Think about something they have in common to later develop a controlling idea. Answer multiple choice questions. (remember to refer back to the text) Write two, separate well-developed paragraphs. Part 3 – Reading Comprehension & Writing Well-Developed Paragraphs
Question #26: Write a well-developed paragraph in which you use ideas from both passages to establish a controlling idea about __________. Develop your controlling idea using specific examples and details from each passage. Part 3 – Reading Comprehension & Writing Well-Developed Paragraphs
In order to get full credit for # 26, be sure to: -Create a strong controlling idea that relates to both passages: “Possessions are valuable to people.” “Grandmothers are important to their families.” -Include at least two specific details from each passage. For best results, add a quote! Part 3 – Reading Comprehension & Writing Well-Developed Paragraphs
Question #27: Choose a specific literary element (e.g., theme, characterization, structure, point of view, etc.) or literary technique (e.g., symbolism, irony, figurative language, etc.) used by one of the authors. Using specific details from that passage, in a well-developed paragraph, show how the author uses that element or technique to develop the passage. Part 3 – Reading Comprehension & Writing Well-Developed Paragraphs
In order to get full credit for # 27, be sure to: - Refer to only one of the passages. -Choose only one literary element used. - Include at least three specific details, including at least one quote. Part 3 – Reading Comprehension & Writing Well-Developed Paragraphs
Part 4 – Critical Lens Read the quote in the critical lens. Write a well-developed essay. - Interpret quote. Strong interpretation! (several sentences to explain quote) - Agree/disagree. - Refer to two works of literature. - Develop essay with several specific examples from each work. - Include literary elements by writing using literary language. (two per work) - Remember to Slow Down and Explain! - Connect with the quote throughout the essay.
Part 4 – Critical Lens Paragraph 1 – introduction: According to Jonathan Smith, “Those who fear...” This means that …… (include several sentences of explanation.) This is a true statement and can be seen in the memoir, Night, by Elie Wiesel, and the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare.
Part 4 – Critical Lens Paragraph 2 – first body relates to first work: The memoir, Night, by Elie Wiesel, shows that “Those who fear…” - include a specific example - refer to a literary element used by the author Remember to focus on examples that prove the quote true, and then write using literary language. (Refer to imagery, characterization, conflict, etc.) - then, relate back to the quote. (This shows how …) - include another specific example - Refer to another literary element (write using literary language) - then relate back to the quote. (This shows how …)
Part 4 – Critical Lens Paragraph 3 – second body relates to second work: The play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare also shows that “Those who fear…” Shakespeare uses characterization to …. - include a specific example - refer to a literary element used by the author Remember to focus on examples that prove the quote true, and then write using literary language. (Refer to imagery, characterization, conflict, etc.) - then, relate back to the quote. (This shows how …) - include another specific example - Refer to another literary element (write using literary language) - then relate back to the quote. (This shows how …)
Part 4 – Critical Lens Paragraph 4 – conclusion Restate quote and clearly state that it is true. Refer again to both works (name your two works again). Give a final sound to your essay by once again stating that these works prove that … (this time use some of your words from your interpretation).
A Few Final Recommendations Preparing for the Regents: Review titles and authors of all high school literature. Review literary elements. Review this information packet!
A Few Final Recommendations When taking the Regents: Listening: Take lots of notes! Reading Comprehension: Read and annotate passages carefully. Refer back to the text before you choose an answer. Don’t rush. Writing: Use many specific examples in your two paragraphs and one essay. Slow down and explain!