The Joint-Working Protocol for treatment providers and Jobcentre Plus NTA and JCP in partnership
2 Jobcentre Plus Background to the Protocol Jobcentre Plus (JCP) and treatment providers have been working together since April 2009 Good progress has been made in referring clients to treatment and breaking down historical barriers with JCP Recovery and reintegration is the cornerstone of Government drug strategy Employment is a core component of recovery oriented treatment systems- evidence shows that it helps sustain positive treatment outcomes More needs to be done to support clients in treatment to address their employment related needs
3 Jobcentre Plus Key Themes of the Protocol It is a joint JCP / NTA protocol and standardises how treatment providers and JCP work together to address employability Client consent is required for the level of joint-working outlined in the protocol Put simply the protocol involves: The sharing of employment related information between treatment provider and JCP Treatment providers instigating employability review meetings when suitable for the client, usually at care plan review stage JCP providing Education, Training & Employment (ETE) expert input to the client’s treatment care plan
4 Jobcentre Plus Expected Outcomes from the Protocol Clients’ education, training and employment (ETE ) needs are identified as early as possible in their treatment and recovery journey More joined up action that makes better use of JCP provision, expertise and funding Better quality treatment care plans and care plan reviews with a clearer focus on employment related needs Coordination between care plan and JCP Jobseekers Agreement (JSAgs)/Action Plans JSAg is updated to reflect treatment status and legitimate flexibilities within the benefit rules to support treatment progress Client is better supported to address employment related needs
5 Jobcentre Plus Summary of Steps Outlined in Protocol 1.JCP advisers are sufficiently skilled to describe the benefits treatment and of closer working between the agencies 2.Client allocated a designated adviser for ‘case-loading’ to improve communication between agencies 3.Provider’s comprehensive assessment and care plan identifies ETE related needs and goals 4.Treatment key workers are sufficiently skilled to identify key benefit related issues, supported by JCP training package (lead by District Drug Coordinators (DDC) 5.With client consent, key worker shares relevant ETE information with JCP
6 Jobcentre Plus Steps 6.JCP update records to reflect treatment status and ETE goals 7.Treatment provider instigates a three-way employability review at Care Plan review stage (12 week intervals) 8.ETE goals are reviewed and individual package of support discussed between client, JCP adviser and key worker 9.Joint approach is reflected in both the care plan and JSAg/action plan 10.Further employability reviews continue throughout treatment journey dependent on need 11.Following an unplanned exit, JCP are in a key position to assist in re-engaging client in treatment
7 Jobcentre Plus Key Questions How can knowledge gaps across the 2 sectors be plugged to benefit joint working, employment and reintegration outcomes? What barriers need to be overcome? [client / treatment provider / JCP] How much information does treatment provider need to share with JCP? ETE Goals? Progress in treatment? Unplanned exit from treatment What arrangements can be put in place for the 3 Way Review Meetings [throughout treatment journey]
8 Jobcentre Plus Next Steps Both treatment providers and JCP need to be sufficiently knowledgeable about each other’s business JCP training package for treatment providers will be rolled out by DDCs This is not designed to turn key workers into benefit experts but to provide them with enough knowledge to support joint working More flexible working arrangements are proven to be beneficial – such as outreach in the Jobcentre and treatment provider Close links between DDC and treatment providers are key to implementing joint working Protocol will be published on the NTA website, cascaded to providers via regional teams / regional provider forums
9 Jobcentre Plus Next Steps Continued…. JCP District Drug Coordinators can provide a series of up skilling events to be delivered in each DAAT area for the benefit of key workers with care planning responsibilities. In return the ask is for: DAAT commitment to take up the offer of up skilling key workers Agreement to meet with DDC as soon as possible DDCs invited to provide a “heads up session” at your next provider meeting to gain “buy in” An idea of the numbers of key workers requiring training Suitable venues to deliver to groups of key workers (numbers to be agreed) Would be helpful if each DAATs could appoint a co-ordinator to take nominations, allocate places between providers and liaise with the DDCs regarding the up-skilling sessions
10 Jobcentre Plus Further information and support Chris Hobrough – JCP Partnership Manager Tel: Sam Cox – NTA Deputy Regional Manager Tel: