La Maestra (The Teacher!) Sra. Matthias Bachelor of Arts-NIU Second career Master of Arts –DePaul University Studied in Spain and lived with a family Taught at CLC for 5 years, 2 years at PR 1 year at Cary Grove Taken 3 student trips 2 to Spain and 1 to Costa Rica – going to Spain for student trip this year!
Differences from Regular 2’s What it is.. –More vocab –AP practice –Quicker pace, therefore covering more –What it’s not.. More homework More tests
Need Extra Help?! Go online: me: Student tutors!! Check skyward for grades!!
Why take Spanish??? College credit (Dual Credit, AP) Cultural awareness-make more friends/travel abroad!!! Employment Advantages Spanish Club/Spanish NHS To have fun!!!!
How can studying a world language in high school help you when you are in college? a graduation requirement for world language -- usually 4 years at high school level or 2 years at university level have a world language entrance requirement. Usually 2 years in high school A student could receive about 8 credits if s/he studied a world language for 4 years at high-school level. Earn College Credit and MOST COLLEGES Save $3,000 - $20,000 in tuition
After 4 years of Spanish, some students have received: Iowa StateIowa State 16 credits CLEP 12 credits NorthwesternNorthwestern 6 hours Colorado StateColorado State 8 credits if get a B or C on first course Illinois StateIllinois State 12 credits University of Wisconsin: retroactive creditsUniversity of Wisconsin: retroactive credits 12 credits Montana StateMontana State 12 hours North DakotaNorth Dakota 8 hours BradleyBradley 12 credits University of IllinoisUniversity of Illinois AP 5 hours to 8 hours AP DePaulDePaul Dual Credit 8 hours Dual Credit AugustanaAugustana 2 years to enter 4 years high school language = exemption for graduation requirement of 1 year for college graduation AP 6 hours college credit AP
Trip to Spain See link on my website!
¡Gracias, Buenas Noches! Thank You, Goodnight!