Instructional Support Modules In Reading How to Score Assessments and How to Use Assessment to Improve Student Learning
About the Modules Improve reading comprehension Stand-alone or integrated Core instructional Strategies Pre, during, and post reading strategies Pre, post, and formative assessments
About the Assessments One passage for assessment Different passage for instruction Pre and post assessments written using WASL stem document Rubric provided for each constructed response question NEW: Three multiple choice questions
About the Instruction Main GLE with embedded secondary GLEs Focus on reading comprehension skills Based on WASL strands/Targets Explicit teacher/student directions Visual examples of activities
About Scoring Constructed responses are two or four points Rubrics provided for each question Student Anchors provided for each question Annotations for scores provided for each question
Using the Assessments Give pre-assessment first with no instruction Score using tools provided Teach the instructional module Give post-assessment with no instruction Score using tools provided
Using Assessment to Improve WASL Scores AFTER all module work is completed, use the pre/post assessments for instruction New document available with guidelines on how to use the assessments to improve WASL scores
Scoring Workshop Read “The Most Perfect Swimmer” Review Pre-assessment questions Review Rubrics for each question Use Student Anchors to guide discussion
How to Use Practice Set Review Post-assessment questions Review Rubrics Individually, score the practice set using the rubric In groups, compare scores and discuss
Teaching Students to Score AFTER modules have been completed, use pre/post assessments to train students to score Use the “How to…” guide when teaching students to score
Value of Scoring Training Teachers learn how to adjust instruction based upon assessment Students learn the “mystery” behind WASL expectations Teachers can write their own questions based on other passages Students can rewrite answers to upgrade scores
OSPI Scoring Opportunities Range-finding Committee Teacher Scoring Summer 2007 Item Writing Committee Module Writing Committee Feb. 2007