Jackie Hodgkinson Adult Safeguarding Manager
What is safeguarding? Safeguarding is protecting an adults right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is also ensuring that adults wellbeing (happiness and contentment) is promoted. Having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action.
Care Act The Care Act 2014 sets out a clear legal framework for how local authorities and other parts of the system should protect adults at risk of abuse or neglect. Local authorities have new safeguarding duties. They must: lead a multi-agency local adult safeguarding system that seeks to prevent abuse and neglect and stop it quickly when it happens. make enquiries, or request others to make them, when they think an adult with care and support needs may be at risk of abuse or neglect and they need to find out what action may be needed.
Care Act 2015 establish Safeguarding Adults Boards, including the local authority, NHS and police, which will develop, share and implement a joint safeguarding strategy carry out Safeguarding Adults Reviews when someone with care and support needs dies as a result of neglect or abuse and there is a concern that the local authority or its partners could have done more to protect them arrange for an independent advocate to represent and support a person who is the subject of a safeguarding enquiry or review, if required.
Who does it affect? Safeguarding duties apply to an adult who: Has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and Is experiencing, or at risk, abuse or neglect; and As a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.
Care & Support Eligibility Part 1 The adult’s needs arise from or are related to a physical or mental impairment or illness The LA must consider at this stage if the adult has a condition as a result of either physical, mental, sensory, learning or cognitive disabilities or illnesses, substance misuse or brain injury. The authority should base their judgment on the assessment of the adult and a formal diagnosis of the condition should not be required.
Care & Support Eligibility Part 2 As a result of the adult’s needs, the adult is unable to achieve two or more of the outcomes relating to: nutrition; hygiene; toileting; clothing; safe use of the home; habitable home environment; family & personal relationships; employment & training; use of essential services; caring for a child
Adults needs arise from or are related to a physical or mental impairment or illness As a result of the needs, the adult is unable to achieve two or more of the outcomes specified As a result of being unable to achieve the outcomes there is, or there is likely to be, a significant impact on wellbeing Adult has needs for care and support Adult is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse and neglect As a result of those needs is unable to protect themselves To Summarise Eligibility…
Local Arrangements Person with a concern can phone/write/fax/ (ASC) access to social care at Warrington Borough Council. Details taken and then referred onto appropriate social work team. Social worker on duty/designated worker will complete a safeguarding risk assessment. At this point it is a safeguarding concern until assessment completed
Local Arrangements? Following assessment 4 different pathways are followed NFA Care quality monitoring Care management Safeguarding process – maybe a strategy meeting/ with the person or their representative
Respecting person wishes Wishes need to be balanced alongside wider considerations such as the level of risk or risk to others including any children affected. All adults at risk, regardless of whether they have capacity or not, may want highly intrusive help, such as the barring of a person from their home, or a person to be brought to justice, or they may wish to be helped in less intrusive ways, such as through the provision of advice as to the various options available to them and the risks and advantages of these various options
Evaluation/does it work? Positive peer review on safeguarding arrangements – evidence that WBC keep people safe. Positive partnership relationships Service user feedback forms at end of process Making safeguarding personal. (MSP) Focus on outcomes/ what the person wants Good links to commissioning of services and share an office with quality monitoring team