Reproductive System Male
Anatomy - Male Scrotum holding testis Cremaster muscle
Male Gonad Testes Tunica albuginea 200-300 lobules Seminiferous tubules – location of sperm production – ½ mile long per testis!!
Spermatogenesis Takes 5-10 weeks Production can be 300 million sperm/day Spermatogonia mature to become Primary spermatocytes, which undergo Meiosis I to become Secondary spermatocytes, which undergo Meiosis II to become Spermatids
Sperm Spermatids mature to become Spermatozoa (…oon is sing.) which can live for 48-72 hrs, once ejaculated Head Nucleus Acrosome Midpiece Mitochondria Tail
Testes Straight tubules Rete testes Interstitial cells – Testosterone Sperm production Sex drive Secondary sex characteristics
Puberty Physical signs Hormones Testosterone – Interstitial Cells GnRH – Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone made by hypothalamus & stimulates Pituitary gland
Hormones LH = ICSH – Interstitial Cell stimulating hormone, made by Pituitary gland and stimulates I.C. to make testosterone FSH = Follicle Stimulating Hormone, made by Pituitary gland and stimulates spermatogenesis Inhibin – made by testes and inhibits FSH
Epididymis Posterior to testes Head Body Tail Place for maturation & storage of sperm 1 day-30 days
Ductus (Vas) deferens Location Transports sperm Spermatic cord Inguinal canal
Urethra Location & function Prostatic Membranous Spongy = Penile External urethral orifice
Accessory Sex Glands Seminal vesicles Prostate Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands Semen Sperm + fluids 2.5-5 mls/ejac.; 300 million sperm/ejac.
Penis Erectile tissue – quite vascular Corpus cavernosum Dorsolateral penis; most vast Corpus spongiosum Surrounding urethra
Penis Glans penis Prepuce
Sexual responses Erection Penis enlargement & rigidity Vascular!! – dilation of arterioles Mediated by Parasympathetic nerve impulses
Sexual responses Emission First portion of male orgasm Mediated by sympathetic nerve impulses Propels sperm to the urethra Release of fluid from accessory sex glands
Sexual responses Ejaculation Contractions resulting in release of SEMEN from urethra