God’s love embraces people living with poverty, hunger and HIV/AIDS
Ryan White –
Credit: S. Kalscheur, USAID
so should God’s people. God’s love embraces people living with poverty, hunger and HIV/AIDS
You have
By giving to this year’s WORLD HUNGER CAMPAIGN 2006 KEEP THE PROMISE
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee continue to Your love and generosity helps the
care for the sick
break down the stigma
teach AIDS-inflicted communities the importance of good nutrition and how to grow nutritious food
get orphans in school
spread awareness
help adoptive parents earn more to care for orphans.
“Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenseless.” – Isaiah 1:17, The Message
Don’t be immobilized by AIDS
You CAN continue to make a difference.
Pray for the hungry who suffer with HIV/AIDS. Pray for a break down of the stigma. Pray for how you can best serve those with HIV/AIDS.
“We don’t have to guess what’s on God’s mind here. It bewilders me that anyone can call themselves followers of Christ and not see that AIDS is the leprosy spoken about in the New Testament. God is at work here.” –Bono, lead singer of U2 and global advocate to end HIV/AIDS in Africa
Continue your support for HIV/AIDS beyond World Hunger Give to CRWRC’s Keep the Promise campaign.
Help a family in an AIDS-affected area by becoming a Free A Family ™ sponsor
"Africa has great sophistication in its ability to deal with the myriad of issues connected to AIDS. It's not a lack of knowledge on their part — it is a lack of resources." – Stephen Lewis, special envoy to the UN for HIV/AIDS in Africa
Credit: R. Nyberg, USAID
Credit: World Vision, Australia
Send a letter to your federal representative asking for a bold national commitment to ending the AIDS crisis. Visit
“Silence is not an option. Nor is inaction. Injustice and suffering demand our advocacy in a world that desperately needs people of faith creatively working together for change.” - Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
“My experience is that there's corruption everywhere: in the U.S., in Europe, in Asia, and in Africa… But what happens is that everyone's wringing their hands about corruption without trying to solve practical problems…
And right now, we're not even helping the well-governed places, the places where we are capable of finding absolutely practical and effective approaches to turning help into real success on the ground.” - Jeffrey Sachs, world’s leading economist and author of The End of Poverty
Invite a CRWRC staff person to speak to your church about hunger and HIV/AIDS
Take a Discovery Tour to see CRWRC’s ongoing work firsthand.
And embrace those with HIV/AIDS as God has embraced you.
“We must not continue to be debating, to be arguing when people are dying.” - Nelson Mandela
Copyright 2006 – The Christian Reformed Church in North America w w w. c r c n a. o r g