PIP FY15 PMG W. Pellico PIP PMG March 5 th 2015. PIP FY15 Year to Date Outline –FY15 activities PIP quarterly milestones Linac Booster Project Controls.


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Presentation transcript:

PIP FY15 PMG W. Pellico PIP PMG March 5 th 2015

PIP FY15 Year to Date Outline –FY15 activities PIP quarterly milestones Linac Booster Project Controls –FY15 Plans 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG2

PIP FY15 Milestones 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG3 LVLWBSDescriptionBaselineDate Beam shaping technology chosen10/8/ Linac Notch Final Optical Cavity Certified2/2/1510/22/ Specifications for Anode Power Supply Documented 10/15/1411/26/ Complete 55 LCW Spare Syst12/9/1412/18/ Complete Installation of New Dual Temp System 3/24/1512/30/ Linac LCW System Complete11/24/1412/30/ Booster BPM System, Hardware & Firmware Prototype Design Complete 12/22/145/1/ Prototype Klystron Final Assembly Drawings Complete 12/17/143/2/ Booster BPM Specification Complete12/8/143/27/ Linac Notcher (FA) Certify all three stages ready for installation 12/2/143/6/ Specifications document for Booster longitudinal dampers complete 12/1/143/27/15

PIP 200 MHz RF Power Systems (WBS 1.1.1) Linac High Level Klystron effort –Work has shifted from design to drafting of the klystron Continuing dialogue on hardware specifics Continuing discussion on testing at vendor –Looks like this is a viable option –Will not require Fermi to build test stand Long lead-time acquisitions nearly complete 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG4 ActionDate Preliminary Design Review4/2/2014 Critical Design Review7/11/2014 Seal in Drawings Complete10/6/2014 Final Assembly Drawings Complete 12/17/2014 Seal in Assembly Complete6/17/2015 Final Dress Complete7/15/2015 Testing Complete8/26/2015 Customer Source Inspection8/27/2015 Package and Ship9/8/2015

Activities 28 cell enclosure design completed received enclosure waiting on vendor to build internal support structure (4 weeks away) Gate driver circuit board design/layout done Designing control cards for both 28 and 54 cell prototype design Short circuit testing completed for 9 cell prototype Performed corona testing on cells and made design changes Selected charging supply manufacturer, ordered units, will initial use to do thermal analysis of main switching element Learning / feed-forward control system work underway Proceeding with 54 cell design Most parts ordered for building 54 cell design, some have already arrived 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG5 9 cell timing tests completed upgrades completed snubber capacitor (one added) gate clamp B-dot coil design new low inductance stripline PIP 200 MHz RF Power Systems (WBS 1.1.1) Linac Modulator

PIP Accelerator Physics (WBS 1.1.2) Linac Laser Notcher 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG6 Linac Notch Creation (Dave Johnson will give more details) Started environmental testing of mirrors using test laser Successfully performed verification test of laser power and optics Buildup of final laser system got underway Mirror Laser Input Port RFQ 200 MHz Bunched Beam

Power Distribution Completed task LCW distribution Completed task Vacuum Completed task PIP Linac Utilities (WBS 1.1.5) 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG7 Oct ‘12 DTL roughing station

PIP Booster Anode Supplies (WBS ) Anodes to be installed in the FY15 shutdown…. –Slower than expected…. Issues finding vendors that can meet the specifications Issues with enclosure Lots of components to test before final install 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG8

PIP Booster Bias Supplies (WBS ) Upgrading the west gallery supplies for reliable 15 Hz operations –Replacing transformers for 15 Hz operation –Also requires re-plumbing and re-wiring –Adding heat sinks in several areas This effort is not as far along as projected, largely due to labor –5 out of 10 in west gallery upgraded/tested –Should not impact initial 15 Hz testing 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG9

PIP Booster Cavity & Tuner Refurbishment (WBS ) Since this summer progress continues at an increased pace –Cones for tuners is still a time constraint –TD is used to do some re-work; AD team does majority –New AL cones are now part of the process Worked out vendor quality issues Saves time – but still labor intensive to complete process Labor –Another contract tech left!!!! New one just hired this week – not sure of status –Will take time to train (typically on the order of 6 months) Concern about shutdown – do not want to lose tech/fall behind Goal of PIP/AD is to have 17 certified by June 2015 –This will allow us to test entire system at 15 Hz –East gallery has had several months of 15 Hz testing 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG10

3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG11 Planned install of #17…. A failure of refurbed BRF5 last Tuesday may impact schedule… No details yet on what failed These cavities will never be like new cavities and will have long term operational issues PIP Booster Cavity & Tuner Refurbishment (WBS )

PIP Booster New Tuners (WBS ) Vendor has now met speciation's for both types of ferrites –Partial orders have been delivered buildup of tuner components underway (TD leading effort) –Second tuner completed…third tuner getting started –Releasing order for more ferrite 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG12

PIP Booster New Cavities (WBS ) Splitting into three thrusts: –Rework of Proton Driver cavities and original prototype Original cavity (20) installed and operating Two more (Cavity 21 & 22) work and schedule being developed Will have 22 stations installed and operating when completed –Harmonic Cavity System (Perpendicular Bias) Initial design plan is for injection and transition Modelling progressing Building up mock cavity for testing purposes Plan to order components for full cavity by end of FY15 –Replacement RF system compatible with PIP II (PIP III RCS) This is on going discussion – hope to settle question soon! 20 Hz capable 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG13

PIP Booster Radiation Shielding (WBS ) TLM system installed in Booster –8 detectors (each covering 3 Booster periods) –No single detector covers more than 1 expected “lossy” region Injection, extraction, collimators, notcher Will run series of beam tests in next couple of weeks to characterize system –destructive studies – will impact operations ES&H assessment group is working on dosages through the shielding & penetrations –Have done several rounds of test to confirm assumptions on loss pattern/levels –At least one more scan is planned 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG14

BPM The Booster BPM front end test-stand is running a Linux/RTAI kernel and the AD/Control's department ACSYS software –this is the Linux equivalent of MOOC Running Linux in a VME crate required some effort to build and test the VME drivers for Linux Testing the VME interface to the 250MHz digitizer Dampers Several problems encountered with initial frontend –Lock issues –Card debugging Transfer measurements Phase control work – to match present system Compared old and new system amplitudes and rates of CB instabilities ACNET software just completed and now being tested PIP Booster Instrumentation (WBS ) 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG15 Working on the BPM control and readout software

Transformers Last transformer to install (East side) –Will be completed this shutdown Vacuum Cabling and associated rack work is on-going Tunnel work awaits personnel availability & will be fill-in work this shutdown PIP Booster Utilities (WBS ) 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG16

PIP End of Year Budget and Labor Summary 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG17

PIP FY15 Initial Upload (some small differences – will be corrected) 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG18 CHOOSE OHAP ROLEPIOHAP Category (will fill)ADAPCFESSPPDCDTD TOTAL FTEs TOTAL FTE LABOR COST (will calculate) TOTAL LABOR COST $1,923.6$357.4$1.2$0.0 $275.9$0.0 $2,558.1 LABOR OH RATE 97.37% 54.19%73.47%70.00%87.34%0.00% LABOR OH $1,873.0$348.0$0.7$0.0 $240.9$0.0 $2,462.6 M&S (enter) Standard $1,848.5 Pass-Through $0.0 Exempt - $ of POs > $500K $2,126.1 Exempt - # OF PO > $500K 2 2 TOTAL M&S $3,974.6$0.0 $3,974.6 M&S OVERHEAD RATES M&S Standard 21.28% M&S Pass-Through 3.00% Exempt - M&S on first $500k $106.4 TOTAL M&S OH $606.2$0.0 $606.2 BUDGET SUMMARY SWF $1,923.6$357.4$1.2$0.0 $275.9$0.0 $2,558.1 SWF OH $1,873.0$348.0$0.7$0.0 $240.9$0.0 $2,462.6 M&S $3,974.6$0.0 $3,974.6 M&S OH $606.2$0.0 $606.2 TOTAL BUDGET SUMMARY $8,377.3$705.4$1.9$0.0 $516.8$0.0 $9, ,000.0 Over (Under) Guidance(2,398.6) Adjustments are being planned: Code structure, Some task plans and Labor needs PIP FY15 budget reduced by 2 million – to 10M working out RLS changes

Summary Most PIP tasks continue to align to schedule –Refurb rate has greatly improved Recent setbacks in labor and RF5 vacuum leak New Tuners AL cones Recent reviews have gone very well… –DOE PIP & 700 KW Review PIP well-defined achievable, etc. - Half of tasks completed - delivering beam improvements - Impressive progress Remaining FY15 PIP will be busy – preparing for shutdown and 15 Hz RF cycling… 3/5/2015bp | PIP FY15 Q1+ PMG19