Project Page: DESIGN BRIEF/CRITERIA - Design Brief Situation What have you been asked to do, clearly explain? 1 or 2 paragraphs in length Only state what the task is not how you will solve it. Add specific user issues like gender, height, disabilities or anything to portrait the situation better. Brief I am going to design and make..., clearly explain? State how this will solve the problem Don’t be too exact, the brief should be general and give you some flexibility Don’t be exact about materials, instead state properties like waterproof, light strong etc State points such as safety, general sizes its function general materials properties, who is it for and any other issues such as environmental and industrial. TASK: A group of students in your school have formed a new band and want to complete a set of publicity material for their new events. The set must include at least a four fold CD case with CD and relevant information and an item.
Project Page: MIND MAP On this sheet you will create a mind map of what sections you will research. It will help you address all the areas where you will be required to gain information. All projects are different so the points below are guidelines Ergonomics How big will you product be? What is the average size? Manufacturing Techniques How will this be made in industry? Research mass production techniques and processes Which processes techniques could you use Research techniques Primary research: interviews / questionnaires, visits, existing products evaluations Secondary research: Library, books, magazines and the internet. Materials What materials will you use, foam board, card, paper etc Material problems and hazards, tools, joining issues. Target market needs What are their interests, styles, colours? What is their social economic group? Single mum, teenager, etc Questionnaires to find out information? Existing products What products exist and which will you evaluate? How will you evaluate? Photos, drawings, visits? TASK: A group of students in your school have formed a new band and want to complete a set of publicity material for their new events. The set must include at least a four fold CD case with CD and relevant information and an item.
Project Page: QUESTIONNAIRES & FINDINGS On these sheets contain the questionnaire you asked your users and the findings as graphs. Try to get it all onto two sheets max. On the questionnaire sheet you should include: Appropriate questions! They should be very clear so not to confuse and they should not be open ended. Use multiple choice answers. Ensure questions do not offend different cultures or religions. Tick box questions are ideal to avoid confusion and allowing you to interpret the answers easier. However occasionally this is not possible. Keep questionnaires short and sweet ten questions max. Briefly explain why you have asked each question and what you hope to discover from the results. The questionnaire results page should contain the following: Collect your information in excel so you can then interpret your data easier Compare your findings in a visual way such as pie charts, bar charts, etc. You will be able to clearly see any trends. Add at least one pictograph. TASK: A group of students in your school have formed a new band and want to complete a set of publicity material for their new events. The set must include at least a four fold CD case with CD and relevant information and an item.
Project Page: PRODUCT ANALYSIS This sheet contains evaluations of existing products, including photos or drawings. On this sheet you should consider: Describing the product, how the graphics and fonts are used. Is there any important information on the packaging? Who will use the product; break down into age, gender, target group, social background, likes, dislikes, etc? Explain the need for the type of packaging; does it protect, preserve, promote, etc? Do we use this product only at certain times? E.g. Christmas, birthdays, etc. Draw diagrams or use thumbnail photos to explain how the products work and fit together. What industry manufacturing processes where used within this product? E.g. digital printing, embossing, etc Where is the product sold? Where is the product used? How much does it cost? How safe and hygienic is it? Label all diagrams. Try comparing one product against another? E.g. Eminem music packaging against One Direction. TASK: A group of students in your school have formed a new band and want to complete a set of publicity material for their new events. The set must include at least a four fold CD case with CD and relevant information and an item.
Project Page: IMAGE RESEARCH This sheet contains imagery relating to your subject and product, you must make sure you include annotation on all images and explain why they are relevant: What fonts should you consider? Typography is the art of letter style, consider: Letter spacing Line spacing Size of the letter; large caps or small caps Types of lettering; serif, sans serif, script or decorative Word spacing What graphical style would suit your project? What colours should you consider? Does a colour effect how we feel? What type of layout could you use? TASK: A group of students in your school have formed a new band and want to complete a set of publicity material for their new events. The set must include at least a four fold CD case with CD and relevant information and an item.
Project Page: GRAPHICS RESEARCH This sheet contains Graphical research information relevant to you user. On this sheet you should consider: What fonts should you consider? Typography is the art of letter style, consider: Letter spacing Line spacing Size of the letter; large caps or small caps Types of lettering; serif, sans serif, script or decorative Word spacing What graphical style would suit your project? What colours should you consider? Does a colour effect how we feel? What type of layout could you use? TASK: A group of students in your school have formed a new band and want to complete a set of publicity material for their new events. The set must include at least a four fold CD case with CD and relevant information and an item.
Design Specification Page This sheet will list all your products details and requirements. On this sheet you should consider: Target Market (Age, gender, interests) Function (Protect, promote? You must detail the functions of EACH product, for example, CD and Poster, CD and Point of Sales Stand, CD and Concert Ticket) Size and Weight (What size will it be? What is the size of a CD case?) Durability (How long will your product last? Will it break easily?) Aesthetics (How will your products look? Will they use the same colour scheme? The same lettering? Etc) Materials (What materials will you use with your products?) Cost (How much will your product cost? Cheap/Expensive? Etc) Environmental and social issues (Will your product be environmentally friend? Offensive to public? Etc) Manufacturing (How would your CD be manufactured?) Quality control (How will you test your product for quality?) Packaging (What sort of packaging will it be?)