ACP 31 - General Service Training Initial Expedition Training First Class Training Course 1 Lecture
Initial Expedition Training As a cadet you will get many opportunities to take part in adventure training.
There is always a danger in these activities, so this section gives you some tips on how to enjoy these activities safely.
Agenda Hillwalking Campcraft and expeditions Exposure
Expedition planning The first thing to consider, is the amount of people in the group. This depends on:- ute Length of the route Type of ground Weather conditions ople Age and fitness of people
Route Planning When choosing where to go, consider:- How to get there. The terrain. Hills.
Naismith’s rule - 1 hour for every 5 km, plus 30 mins for every 300m of climbing. Walking Skills Develop a good walking rhythm and ….. Never split up, keep the group together. Don’t rest too often.
Equipment Each member should have:- Rucksack and polythene bag Compass Whistle Emergency rations First Aid kitMap
Clothing Comfortable boots Waterproof anorak Trousers, NOT JEANS Several thin sweaters
Campcraft and Expeditions Camping can damage the environment - be considerate. Carefully choose what food to take.
Packing and Carrying Only take essential items. Articles needed on the journey should be on top of the rucksack.
Packing and Carrying Keep heavy articles near the top, close to the body!
Tents Hardwearing and light. Site it on flat ground, sheltered from the wind. Put the back of the tent into the wind.
Cooking Gas stove Pressure stove Meths burner Change gas away from the tent and candles. Store gas cylinders outside. Don’t fall asleep whilst cooking.
Exposure In our next lecture on this subject, we shall be looking at the effects of Exposure.