COMPOSITION What is composition? Why is good composition important? The way elements are arranged in a photo. Elements are ‘things’, ‘parts’ or ‘objects’ found within a photo Why is good composition important? Makes a well balanced photo A strong composition attracts viewers It gives a flow through your photo Helps the viewer focus on something first and then keep looking around at the smaller details, keeps them interested
COMPOSITION There are lots of compositional ‘rules’ … Rule of thirds Golden Mean Symmetrical Asymmetrical Diagonal, triangle and lines Radial Simplification Overlapping Framing Patterns
SYMMETRICAL A photo that is equal on both sides Does not have to be identical Gives balance to the image
ASYMMETRICAL A photo that has something on one side … and nothing on the other side … or something less obvious on the other side. Similar to simplification.
SIMPLIFICATION A photo of one object. Usually with a plain background. Nothing else in the shot.
DIAGONAL, TRIANGLE AND LEADING LINES The eye follows the line. The line leads the eye across the photo.
DIAGONAL, TRIANGLE AND LEADING LINES The eye follows the line. The line leads the eye across the photo. Or leads the eye in to the photo.
DIAGONAL, TRIANGLE AND LEADING LINES Leads the eye across the photo. Or leads the eye in to the photo. The eye follows the line. The line can be diagonal, horizontal, wiggly or triangular.
RADIAL OVERLAPPING PATTERN From the centre to the outside. Elements overlap An element repeated. Irregular or regular.
FRAMING Something in the shot creates a frame. Can be on 2, 3 or 4 sides of the photo. Any distance from the edge.
THE RULE OF THIRDS Divided in to 9 parts 4 lines, 4 intersecting points Place the point of interest along a line, vertically or horizontally Place a point of interest at the intersecting points
THE GOLDEN MEAN Creates a spiral path which flows through the frame. Allows the viewer to be led around the image in a natural flow. Produce an aesthetically pleasing composition. Known as the Fibonacci Spiral. Also called ‘The Golden Ratio’.