How can we grow enough food without polluting our environment?
Green revolution in India has witnessed a jump in agricultural production with the introduction of high yielding varieties of various crops and by following intensive cultivation practices with the use of fertilizers, pesticides and other inputs. The intensive use of fertilizers and pesticides have not only polluted the soil, water and the environment causing their slow degradation but also affected the human beings. Therefore, there is a need to study the effect of fertilizers and pesticides on soil fertility and design strategies for sustainable agriculture.
Your Role: You will be working as members of “Centre for Agriculture and Rural development” Out of 6 students in your group, two of you will assume one of the following roles – Agriculture Officer Entomologist Social Worker
Areas of Work Agricultural officer – Analyzes various methods of cultivation for better yield and studies the impact of chemical / organic / both fertilizers on crop yield. Entomologist – Studies the problems faced by farmers by pests and the effect of pesticides for better yield. Social worker – Identifies and analyses the socio-economic problems facing by the farmers. Studies the impact of using chemical / organic / both fertilizers on their life
Major Milestones To examine the trends of chemical fertilizers and pesticides used for agricultural production. To study the adverse effects of fertilizers and pesticides To study the crop yield. To analyze the problems facing by the farmers in their day to day agricultural activities To do a comparative study between organic & inorganic farming and its yield. To calculate the rate at which fertility of land is changing with different types of agricultural methods. To develop strategies to overcome adverse effects of fertilizers and pesticides To suggest remedies to meet growing demand for food.
Visit any village near the school/house. Meet the Sarpanch, Grampanchayat and get his approval to conduct the survey. Conduct survey using the questionnaire. Collect soil samples from the farms for study. Observe the following activities in field Preparation for sowing Seedling in nursery Water usage Application of manures Pesticides, insecticides to control weeds & insects respectively Your Task
Analyze the data collected with the help of Math teacher, Ms. Nair and identify the problems faced by the farmers. Devise feasible solutions for the problems that you have noticed.
Design a presentation To share your findings with Your peers Grampanchayat members of the village. Organize an awareness drive Distribute Newsletters Street Play Peers assess the project Based on the Assessment Tool You will be expected to
Keep in Mind … Work as a team, not in isolation Don’t forget to play the roles assigned
Let’s begin the Investigation !!!