By: Marcie Thierry, Annaliese Blumburgs and Andrew Palmer Respiratory system By: Marcie Thierry, Annaliese Blumburgs and Andrew Palmer
4 interesting facts You breath, 13 pints of air every minute. Yawning gives more oxygen to the lungs. The right lung is a little bigger then the left one. If you have asthma your lungs are smaller than they should be.
Where is it located? The respitary system is located by the upper part of the body like the lungs.
Disorders and Diseases Lung Cancer is a really bad disease that can clog up your lungs. Sepsis and septic shock can result from an infection anywhere in the body, including pneumonia.
Major Functions The trachea (Trakea) is commonly known as the windpipe, it is a tube that is about 4 inches long and less than an inch in diameter in most people. The left and right lungs help/make you breath Bronchial tubes are the tubes where air passes through your lungs. When you breathe air in, it passes from your nose or mouth, through the larynx, and into the trachea or wind pipe. Alveoli are the tiny air sacs in the lungs (alvealis)
3 Questions Can Respiratory system disorders and diseases kill people? Does everyone have lungs that are the same size? Of you yawn do you get more oxygen or do you get less oxygen?
Answers Yes, disorders and diseases can kill people. No, if you have asthma your lungs are smaller than they should be. You get more oxygen not less.
How the respiratory system works with others in the body? The respiratory system works with other body parts like the circulatory system. The Respiratory system gets oxygen into the Circulatory system that takes the Oxygen, through the blood stream, to other parts of the body.
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