The Words of Jesus John 7:40-46
Introduction This occurred about six months before Jesus’ crucifixion As He was teaching in the Temple during the Feast of Tabernacles People were divided in their opinion of Him The Pharisees and priests intended to kill Jesus- v. 1 They sent officers to arrest Him But they came back without Jesus- v. 45
Unique Things about Jesus There were many unique things in the life of our Lord His sinless conduct- I Pet. 2:22 His great miracles His death on the cross and his resurrection At this time, the soldiers were impressed with His speech They said “No man ever spoke like this Man!”- v. 46 Let us notice what made Jesus’ speech unusual
Jesus Always Spoke the Truth He came to bear witness to truth- Jn.18:37 He spoke the truth that frees from sin- Jn. 8:31-32 He spoke great truths concerning Himself: 1.That He is the Bread of Life- Jn. 6:48 2.That He came down from Heaven- Jn. 6:50 3.That He is the light of the world- Jn. 8: 12 4.That He is the resurrection and the life- Jn. 11:25 He spoke the truth about others- Jn. 1: 47 & Mt. 23:3
Jesus Spoke from the Scriptures He quoted from the scriptures frequently He used them to prove His work and words- Jn. 5:39 He used them to answer the tempter- Mt. 4:3-4 He used scripture to answer questions- Mt. 22:29 We need to know the scriptures also And handle them properly- II Tim. 2:15
Jesus Often Spoke in Parables Lessons drawn from common activities Earthly stories with a heavenly meaning He used them to teach about His kingdom- Matt. 13:11 Things that were new to those who heard Jesus To reveal the truth to those who were seeking it and conceal it from those who had no interest in it They contain many profound and precious truths
Jesus Spoke with Wisdom and Understanding He knew the meaning and purpose of the Law And revealed them in His teaching- Mt. 19:3-8 For the benefit of His hearers and for us Jesus was never deceived nor stumped Even by questions used to trap Him- Mt. 22:17 He answered questions that were not asked- Mk. 2:5-11 He could easily silence His enemies- Mt. 22:45
Jesus Spoke with Authority He never spoke with uncertainty or waffled His teaching was different from the Rabbis- Mt. 7:28-29 He corrected many misconceptions about the Law of Moses “You have heard it said, but I say”- Mt. 5:43-44 He claimed authority from the Father- Mt. 10:40 He spoke words of eternal life- Jn. 6:68 He said that His word would judge people in the last day- Jn. 12:48
Jesus Spoke with Power His words caused a fig tree to wither and die- Mk. 11:20-21 His words gave sight to the blind- Mk. 10:52 His words healed people of all kinds of sicknesses His word cast out demons- Mt. 17:18 His words raised the dead- Jn. 11:43 His words forgave sins- Mk. 2:5 His words had the power that only God possesses He intercedes for His disciples even now- Heb. 7:25
Jesus Spoke of Unseen Things-1 He spoke of Hades- Lk. 16:23 Revealing the condition of departed spirits He said more about gehenna (hell) than anyone else He spoke of it as a real place to be avoided at all cost- Mk. 9:43-44 He spoke of Heaven where His Father dwells- Mt. 10:32 Where a great reward awaits the faithful- Mt. 5:12
Jesus Spoke of Unseen Things-2 He spoke of a future resurrection- Jn. 5:28-29 And a great judgment to come- Mt. 25:31-32 When He will speak words with eternal significance- “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world”- Mt. 25:34 Or “Depart from Me, you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels,”- Mt. 25:41 His judgment will stand for ever- v. 46
In Conclusion Jesus spoke the greatest words ever heard Because He was more than the son of Mary He is the Son of God God speaks to us through Him today- Heb. 1:1-2 He will be your Judge in the last day He wants to be your Savior today- Mt.11:28-30 Are you serving Him this hour?