Have you ever raised your hands in Dua and wondered who to pray for ?
It is only human to pray for us alone and ask for everything we can possibly think of……… Funfair, Food, Toys, Ice Cream
Let us show you a way you can remember to pray for not only yourself but others.
Every time you go in sajdah for dua, or raise your hands for dua, let your fingers remind you of everything
1.Let your thumb (the nearest finger) remind you of: Your near ones (family/relatives) 2. Let your pointer finger remind you of: Those who guided you in the right direction. 3. Let your biggest finger remind you of: The Ulemas and leaders in your community. 4. Let your Weakest finger remind you of: The needy, sick, less fortunate 5. Let your smallest finger remind you of: Your status in front of Allah, now ask for yourself
Our 6 th Imam (AS) says: “When a Muslim prays for his brother blessings are given to him, troubles are removed, and angels tell him you will also get the same”.